That Guy


A lot of the newswires get posted during daytime business hours when conservative and moderate types are at work.
So it's a bit of a selection bias that leads to more commenters that don't have normal adult responsibilities, but can b-tch and moan about politics while posting Simpsons quotes

Agreed - there's nothing brave or revolutionary about preaching to the choir

It's always weird seeing McHale in a serious role

Because it's "playing with fire" as the Boston Globe put it. They urged independent voters (who may vote in the MA primary) to vote Kasich.
Apparently a bunch of mischievous chowda heads think it'd be a genius idea to vote for trump in the primary as they cannot imagine a matchup between him and Hillary where Hillary…

Well said.

1) As opposed to Hillary's ratings among non-party voters? In any case, ALL general election polls are useless at this stage of the game

I am a Bernie Sanders supporter for POTUS. You are a MORON.

Friend request sent!

Also, I hate to say it, but the mods at that particular Disqus channel….I've actually seen them delete peoples content that wasn't trolling/questionable, but still went against the powers that be.

The After Dark thread wasn't really the place I wanted to post my screed in, because you were my sole audience. I virtually never post there.

Regarding your posts in the Scalia thread over at After Dark: