Victory Sauce

The problem with this, and admittedly it’s a good one to have, is that I want to savor the new season. These life sustaining drops of Mana come along as often as Brigadoon. With the shortened season each drop more precious than the last. So honestly I’m sad that Shout Factory is doing their Turkey Day marathon early.

I C U is a game that is/was in development a while back using the same sort of Twitch integration as Streamline does, where the ‘audience’ can buy effects and stuff to mess with the player. And it was sort of horror-oriented.

Written in blood on a wall is “Boobgrabber69, we know what you did”

More like a bear trying to draw a map

Oh, fuck off.

Towards the tail end of this past World Cup, more than a few readers emailed us looking for guidance on how to