
He needed to cement their relationship.....

“What America Needs Right Now Is Peugeot-Citroën”

The idea of an Buick Insignia over a Mazda 6 is ludicrous to me... maybe the OPC variant, but all else is nuts. But then, I’d have the B8 Passat over both.

There is only one choice. But as a European only recommendation, you can’t have it. Tough luck! It is of course the Passat B8 Combi with the 240bhp diesel.

That’s a solution for a problem no one ever needed fixing.... I’m glad it exists, but it’s so dumb.

Now THAT’S a sedan.......

I was looking at that BMW M Cruise bike in a dealership only last weekend and was amazed at how good value it was given the componentry on it... Lots of XT, nice wheels and brakes... fork could be better but overall nice bike...

It’s not just in your experience... It’s a universal truth. Believing HR to be anything else is naivety amplified. They will protect the interests of the Corporation above anything and anyone. I worked for a global Humanitarian organisation for years - internationally well regarded by all. And I’ve seen the most

Just like Trump is payback for Hiroshima / Nagasaki....?

No. Fuck that Welsh cunt who snapped our captain’s leg in a World Cup qualifier. If you want to kick any can around, that’s the one is the story. The dirty bastard.

Wheeler Dealers became a success precisely because of Edd’s detailed approach, obsessive precision and desire for quality. Without him and it, they don’t have a show.

Book learnin’s for pussies and libtards doncha know!!

It’s not at all credible. They’re going to create the biggest fucking shitstorm for themselves since the War next week. They’re just as stupid as the incumbent White House administration.

And now the Brits are at it. This is the most stupid fucking thing I’ve heard since the Muslim ban. I mean, for starters how will they enforce this? They can’t. How will they make the respective aviation authorities and carriers comply? They won’t. And finally, most carriers won’t allow L-ion batteries in their hold

And, this may be of relevance, he’s technically not a Saint. He was never canonised by the Catholic Church. Now.

As with the rest of the world there explosion of local crafts beer is huge. And that’s a great thing. Same with whiskey. But in fairness to Guinness, they’ve owned smithwicks for a couple of hundred years now and Diageo was formed out of a merger. They still have massive operations here.

I have a mate who drinks the stuff. He does so because of the taste. As in it does not taste like ‘beer’.... as in it’s weak and insipid!

Budweiser was not sold here (ireland) until 1986 and we’ve been broadly ignoring it since. Back then it was Guinness, Smithwicks and Harp as a staple in every house.... None of your ‘oul foreign stuff....!

Well this story is generating much mirth here in Ireland... Ruined by our dumb twat of a leader inviting your wizened orangey cockwomble to come visit...

With that head of hair, can only be....