
Here’s some Outland giggles for the day that’s in it... We join out heroes on the Men’s Kouch...

Next up: John Carter was derivative of Superman...

This. It pretty much provided the platform for Bentley to leap from - hardly a failure.

As an Irishman and someone who keeps a reasonably close eye on the European Parliament and its activities, I’ve never heard of him either.

It’s not the Irish that were barbaric. Just the catholic clergy.

Lovely! Asia’s sweatshop finest....

Lovely! Asia’s sweatshop finest....

Exactly. In the new America, let’s look at this as a spectacular moment of good grace, honour and humility. The world could learn lots from this. As could Trump.

I know. It’s a sad day indeed. It was one of those movies - silly and all as it was - that you need in your youth. And for those of us coming of age, it was as important as Breakfast Club or Ghostbusters or Back to the Future or a Ferris Bueller. They helped frame our generation and they partly defined our youth. I

If you were 14 when that movie came out, it was awesome. I was. It was.

Actually I see block chain as the future of digital identity that will underpin almost every sort of transaction.

Oh, don’t worry.... he’ll get a misdemeanor and an attaboy.... He’ll be ok. Don’t fret....

I drove 130 miles return last week. I was exhausted after it. Needed a little lie down I did!

Oh how quaint. Thinking Renault interesting and Citroen DS premium!

This. Save your money. Buy an EV locally - eGolf, Nissan Leaf... that sort of thing. Living in London and owning something bigger than these will ruin your live.

And then they all died....

You know he can still continue to spout all the stupid, racist shit he wants. After all, free speech etc. It just there’ll be an awful lot less people listening to him now.

Put on your big-boy pants and try come up with a better retort... that’s not even the smallest bit offensive.... Silly little boy with Mommy issues...

The were only women, right? May the crabs of a thousand Jordanian whores infest your crotch.

It’s a well worn path this, but difference between free speech and free from consequence of what you say has never been so beautifully demonstrated.

I would not. Not even with yours.....!