
Shit Kanye does..... Now that wanker really knows how to rub it out.... Especially the most recent tissue full of his ‘artistic’ jism....

You know, this is what happens when you let a non-motoring journo loose... A bit like Boris Johnson, rather topically, When he wrote for GQ in London. It was a clusterfuck for all concerned. A bumbling review, devoid of any thing useful for your average petrolhead and all round car enthusiast.

England were abysmal tonight. England are abysmal and have been for years. They’ve over rated their ability and their position in world football for years. No more. Done.

Well fuck me... What started as some mid match bants has proven accurate and prophetic....

Roy Hodgson is the only man from England with a plan for leaving Europe..... hehehe.... A twitter steal, but a good one....

Let’s no kid ourselves. Boris Johnson is a charlatan, a Machiavellian chancer and a above all a very shrewed but dangerous political operator.

Yeah.... huge yes vote too...

That’s such a travesty... My part of the world voted to allow same sex marriage last year and it was an utterly wonderful experience.

Well, when President Trump is inaugurated you’ll look back to this day with great remembrance and realise the utter stupidity of a protest vote.

Nah... the least I can do is stir the pot....

Those without education, vision or sense have spoken...

Sidecar racing used to be on tv all the time when I was a kid - 70s & 80s. I always thought it was mental but great viewing. Miss seeing it....

Sean that’s not what their referendum was about. It was to leave the UK and not to declare a republic. The Queen would have remained head of state

I drove the 250d a couple of months back and concluded its a magnificent automobile. Comfortable, powerful, friugal and absolutely luxurious. It does indeed our s-class the s-class. Can't wait for the wagon.

That's quite the logical fallacy you got going on there...

I get your analogy but bigger and badder than Thiel have taken on the Guardian and failed. The beauty about The Guardian is its trust structure. Just for the record, y’know. After all, Ol’ Rupert is their biggest nemesisOr moreso they are his....

Drove it last year. I really disliked the ZF auto when hooked up to the diesel. Dreadful marriage. All over the place and never in the gear you want. Needs to be kept in sport mode to make any progress. Inside is nice enough but then it’s really just a tiny bit smaller than the XF too. Pointless really.

Fuck you you shitty mouthed nasty motherfucker.... That’s beyond the pale... What’s next with that piece of Trump-esque logic inspired blame shifting? Maybe if 49 Floridians weren’t gay they’d still be alive? Cunt.

Adam Levine, he ‘ain’t.... Sorry if the Rats are not to your taste.... Incredibly impactful band in their day....

It’s really an incredibly moronic mistake to make...