
Dude.... He’s fucking Irish. The worst, most offensive thing you can do to an Irishman is call him British. Fix it before you regret it.... Internet pain and the impact to your credibility is a bitch....

Ditto. And I know of them too - from my US travels. The only person I know who likes them at home is this Polish chap who does some work for me from time to time....

Play with floaty balloons!!??

True story. When I was promoted to to SVP level years back at one of the major consulting shops, I was sent to their very own managment development facility outside Chicago for a few weeks. They ran a special program for leaders on a track of sorts. I remember being hooked up to an ECG machine which was in turn hooked

Never is the answer. The Swedes on the other hand can get a little pushy with their banter... Your Momma / your wife is ugly gags.... of which they tried to get the Irish to bite... and failed... and partied... it’s just the way it is....

It’s also a fair thing to say that very few Irish in Ireland have even heard of the Dropkick Murphy’s...

Stupid facebook linking.....

They have oil. A shitload of oil....

That’s how Swedish Ultras do it....

Truth be told the Irish wouldn’t give a shit.... That ships sailed. It’s a laughable attempt at verbals... Now, throw a few rebel songs at the kippers and it’s a different story! Can’t take it...

Or maybe now the Russians have money, caviar and mince filled Cornish Pasties...

While the Swedes will be a target of the Russians, the Irish tend to bring their infectious party wherever they go with little or no trouble....

I’d be fairly certain that either England or Russia, or both for that matter will be out and on their way home come the weekend.

You see Evans can’t grow. He is already one of the biggest names in the UK if not the biggest. It's like if Leno took over American Top Gear and fucked it up.

Well that was a big, steaming pile of dog shit. It was everything I was afraid of.... A pale imitation of the genius behind the last version of the show...

Hand egg is so much more fun... with all those advertisement breaks and all....

Gutted for Atletico. Would really have liked to see them win. Pepe and Ramos were shameful and the Ramos goal was offside. Overall a poor final.

I drove the new C Coupe a few weeks back and it is for sure a huge improvement over the previous model. It looks great, has a lovely interior finish save for the stupid iPad on the dash. My only surprise was driving refinement. Sure, it drives very well but there was far too much road noise for a car in that class.