
Eddie, the sheer, unadulterated stupidity demonstrated by Gawker and the vast majority of contributors on that original thread was astounding... “DUURRRRRR, Grand Tour’s got nuthin to do with cars..... DUURRRRR”

The GT has nothing to do with cars?! Youse ‘Muricans doubledown.....

When you say working you mean ‘drinking’ and when you say at home you mean ‘down the pub’...... Right?!

still 200 quid is nice!

Paddy Power tomorrow and a wedge of cash... Pics indeed....!

All I know I’m 10 grand richer!!!! I got them them 475:1 in November when the odds started to fall. Stuck €20 to win and here I I’m! Awesome stuff....!!!!

Chemistry. That’s what whey have and that’s why they’ve won the car show battle before it even begins.... I’m sure the new TG will be entertaining and enjoyable but it won’t be anywhere near as compelling to watch as CHM. I’m certain that their Amazon show will set new records for piracy save for Game of Thrones.

derp de derp for you...

They're European tin cans meaning they'll probably cost more than an entry level Buick......

Big rumour from this side of the pond is he’s off to WWE.... Believe it or not!

And he's just the guy to spread her legs and fuck her right in the pussy. You know, because that'll fix her. Right?

I suppose now that we have robot law mowers, the gig is up.....

I get it, but that's not what I was going my after....

SmurfitKappa as a sponsor on the car in the first pic....? If you’re Irish, that’ll raise an eyebrow alright.....

Probably none of those. The Irish Olympic Committee act as umbrella for multiple national sports bodies. I can’t see it ever change really. Northern Irelabd could try claim their own Olympic status I suppose. It would make more sense.

Nothing in my eyes... But there’s no chance that any person from Northern Ireland and from a loyalist background would ever march under the Irish tricolour.... regardless of the meaning behind its colours.

It should be made clear that the primary reason most Irish golf fans were so put out by the ‘playing for Great Britain’ comment is as follows;

They’ll also be the best second degree burns.... yuge burns... the best skin grafts....

Fucking sure it is....

It was big news this side of the pond when it happened. To bore you, Nissan hold 15% of Renault non-voting stock and Renault own 48% of Nissan voting stock - effectively controlling the company. They deem it a marriage but the Renault CEO also became Nissan CEO....