
I wouldn’t get overly excited.... I mean, here in Euroland, Citroen are still not given much consideration by automotive enthusiasts.... While the DS line look pretty good, they’re still Citroens and as a result considered flakey. Very flakey. When you have the opportunity to sit inside a 2 year old one, you’ll see....

I think you’ll fine that Nissan is more a part of Renault....

Your original Top Gear was not the original Top Gear......

saw.... finally.... after another sift thru the dross...

I see it now. I suppose I was blinded by rage with all the other shit listed.....

This is why your list is flawed. You also leave out Watchmen. Another crime.

It makes me happy that I understand this....

A bluray rip will range in size from 20+gb to over 40gb - depending on whats been left out -as in extra features and so on.

It won’t be a bluray rip at that size. It’ll be compressed with only the core audio track...

Nothing is being ‘converted’. Using the right software to rip the audio and video will be bit-perfect copies. What’s generally being experiences is not having an appropriate playback device. A BPD, for example will neither process or bitstream a HD audio format to your receiver/processor when playing back or streaming

First it was Bentley, now it’s Range Rover.... Americans are now out-China-ing the Chinese when it comes to auto design theft.....

Dude, I guess your ‘Sarc-O-matic’ has a big ‘ol ‘Made in the USA with Pride’ sticker on it, ‘cos it’s bust and it ‘ain’t worth shit.....

Nice! 50 points to Gryffindor...

No it’s not stupid. It’s very important in fact. In economics in the vocal sciences it is an essential part of defining “people within a delineated population who experience the same significant events within a given period of time” (not my words)...

Used to go a lot in the late 70s and 80s.... Then, in the late 90s, a friend took a job with a guy who raced Unos and Puntos.... Great craic... Hanging around the pits... I did a few track days also... The single seaters are kinda agricultural and very basic, but Jesus a Formula V-dub at full tilt is enough to scare

I've done that !

I've done that !

Here’s a suggestion regarding your ps4.... Now this is with relevance to a similar issue with an Amazon Fire TV... If you have one you’ll know there’s no ir input on it so you’re forced to use Amazons own remote. No biggie but annoying none the less. I was messing about the other day and I decided to plug the hdmi

Here’s a suggestion regarding your ps4.... Now this is with relevance to a similar issue with an Amazon Fire TV...

I was just about to post the same thing. The Elite is a better spend for all kinds of reasons.... But i will focus on one. The elite fixed what I believe to be a design flaw. The buttons above the screen are in the wrong place. The elite fixes this and places them below the screen. I promise you it will drive you nuts

I was just about to post the same thing. The Elite is a better spend for all kinds of reasons.... But i will focus

The only failing this article has is that it misses the real story.... What a sloppy ‘worker’.... I mean his desk is chaotic.... What on earth goes on in his mind....? Put simply, it does not make him look busy, it makes him look utterly unstructured... Which makes sense....

Wonderful! Libby has not started to grey yet...