
Agreed but dogs need people. Awesome dogs have the best people....

Pretty much my point. Ferrari, Sauber and Toro Rosso are the only teams with their base outside the UK. Toyota had a failed attempt at a base in Germany. The UK is the broad base for F1 - technical, engineering, development and so on. Actually most Motorsport in general. The rest is all marketing....

Make that closer to $50m per year base for Hamilton and Vettel etc. The top f1 drivers earn massive amounts. Then sponsorship on top. I read somewhere that Hamilton could draw in $100 this year if he wins back to back. There’s a fairly stark drop off down the ranks though with some drivers paying for a seat - as

YES! This show. Fantastic show! Right up there!

If you are into cars the Reference show is Wheeler Dealers.... It is the only show really worth watching.... Maybe Chasing Classic Cars too.... Leno is good too I suppose but it’s only online so it’s not really the same thing. The rest are all entertainment first shows and most all are dross.... I have a particular

Sacrebleu me auld flower, was I just taken in by your rib poking?! What’s your skin in the game?

My enemy’s enemy and all of that....

So it’s nothing like Texas then.... Makes sense.....

That's a Phaeton.

Where’d they dig you up from?! Also, British(ish) Lady is Irish. Like you give a crap though right!?

You mean the same Ireland that recently voted to change its constitution to allow same sex marriage?! I imagine that's just like what Texas would do....

True in many ways but even more messed up than others. I was however coming from the perspective of their Independent mindset (not playing well with others in their union) and the deep set levels of arrogance and ego with its people (rule Brittania/colonial mindset).

I'm a professional and appearances must be kept. Also, it keeps the tattoo of a Stormtroopers helmet on my head covered up....

If any country was to be the Texas of Europe it would have to be the UK....

Blade three back and sides and tidy the top for a classic side parting. That’s me. Nice and simple. An old duffer in a white coat does that for €15. Place smells of old cologne, scalp tonic and has a great collection of classic car magazines. Plays sports radio all day. If a woman wishes to partake, get in line and

As an owner of multiple Harmony Ulimates a completely disagree with your sentiment. If you have the need and the equipment, it’s a steal. Giving you almost Crestron or Control 4 levels of home automation control.... If it’s for your TV and Apple TV well then, yeah, stick with something cheaper.

As an owner of multiple Harmony Ulimates a completely disagree with your sentiment. If you have the need and the

Not only that but it's the perfect side....

My god I can believe how many of you voted CP. This is motoring nirvana!!! In any order you want we have a stonking grand tourer with;

My only real requirement for taxis in New York is that the fuckers are clean. I’m in nyc twice a year and every time I’m in a cab, the thing is filthy.

Will it have the same, awful 8 speed ZF auto that’s in the XE?