
All because you’re he standard bearer of all that is pure and good around ‘here’ O2....

Bob, the beauty about the bullshit on kinja is it's by and large honest. Anonymity allows for egotistical and boastful lies that can be seen through in a second. It also allows for honesty - sometimes brutal and cutting and sometimes frank and clear. In other words, it's the total fucking opposite of all the bushshit

I know all that just could not give a shit or expend energy. Anyway. Lots more fun to bellyache about it. You won't take that away from me..... ;)

No. It’s all family and their moronic friends whose posts I’ll see too. That’s what I have on Facebook. My own friends I can control and I do not engage with any of my friends on Facebook nor they me. It is in not an appropriate way for adults to maintain healthy, personal relationships. We’re of the same mindset my

I fucking despise Facebook. I despise it's premise, it's styling like button and above all is despise the moronic drivel that makes up 99% of the shit people post on it.

My response will be based entirely on the European market. And the figure will be €50. Sure, an entry level 3 series or A4 could be bought. Along with a middling spec. XE, but why compromise on trim and spec? For me I’d push for a fully loaded VW Passat - the euro variant - with the new twin turbo diesel. Lovely! That

That car was as ugly as fuck and misguided.... That and the PT Cruiser were / are utter abominations.....

I think you've missed the meaning of retro....

Would not worry too much as the only sexual activity going on there is a bunch of frat boys masturbating like wild monkeys..... Tube socks beware....

Liking Trump is easy for those of a certain mindset. But behind the facade is one unavoidable truth. A truth that makes him a contender. A threat to the establishment on both sides. A real possibility that he may actually get the nominations....

Ah nostalgia. Long for the days when Times Square was famous for robbery, murder and rape....

Disabled it last weekend. Jesus it’s a jumble and buy does it mess up playlists. There are a lot of albums that I have in lossless and in some cases high rate aiff. Confusing as hell when trying to synch some of that stuff. I will miss some of their curated stuff which is decent. Also, synced content is browsable from


In what parallel universe did that happen?

The scummy ‘who are ya’ chant is totes adorbs in that accent..... Like, totes....

I’d be happier if the planet could just disown America. Seriously America.... Please fuck off. The rest of us....


Don’t see either.... I do see Janeane Garofalo though....!

Good call. Leaving the Xbox alone. That's how fires start and how people die.

Those pesky Brits not speaking English all proper again!?! ;)