
Best service is UnoTelly bar none. Was unblock us user for a couple of years but UnoTellys dynamic service is excellent. Meaning my Apple TV device is ‘american’, my smart tv is British and my bluray is local. Three different Netflix sessions, Hulu and HBO, BBC iPlayer and all the Amazon content too....

First of all identifying someone from Pakistan as a ‘Paki’ is deeply offensive and very much a slur. Maybe you were not aware but there you go. It’s the little things that catch you out.

Indentured servitude and bonded labour you stupid, ignorant, racist fucker.....

Tell yah what.... When America stops killing black people because they’re black, then you can be as sanctimonious as you want.....

It's also a fucking stupid idea!!!! The pope indeed! Paisley had it right - the Pope is the antichrist.....

I should add that this most recent one was an aftershock.... This is not the BIG one they’re expecting.... it’ll be along another fault line....

Also, if a Sonos owner you can access Deezer Elite(16/44 lossless) for chump change.... Sounds fantastic - especially if using a Sonos Connect Amp or Connect into you own amp and have decent speakers...

As someone directly involved in the relief effort there’s a very serious body of thought that another significant earthquake in Nepal is imminent.

Mostly Loro Piana.... Expensive but I don’t buy ‘disposable clothing’...

Was planning to post this. Drove one from Munich to Venice and back again last year. Thing is a fucking outrageous vehicle. Oh I had my fun alright but man alive is was pure insanity.

It’s the entire supply chain that’s poison. Ever think where the raw materials come from to make the fabric that’s used to produce cheap clothing? The cotton? The dyes and other chemicals used in blends? And when discussing cotton, the insecticides and pesticides used in production is a scary proposition - many of

Winterkorn is exactly the reason VWs exploits in the USA are a fuck up and one of the key reasons Piech wanted him out....

You mean the Ford Passat?! Another Ford clone. The euro passat that is...

DAB is not internet. It’s a free-to-air terrestrial digital radio service. It’s fantastic and while Norway is way ahead of the curve, I wish my country would push FM elimination as hard.

Nice European Passat Ford built there.

Blocked in Ireland....

I was a guest of the Williams GP team last year at Silverstone. It was an amazing experience and while I did not get to be part of the grid walk, I did get the pit lane walk and had access to their garage - at certain times - and the paddock out the back - which is a lot of fun. Met the team, drivers and even Frank

Further, Intel build via supply chain in so far at they do not produce a final product from start to end in one single fab plant....

Marvelous stuff! Did I really see the 'Tentacles of Cthulu' come out of a hooker's vagina and kill someone old duffer!!!??? Wonderful!