
Is that for population or taxation purposes?

something…something…come sit on my lap and tell me what you want for Christmas.

I'm two blocks from a gay bar called the Bastille.

Hello…Sir…can I…talk to you…Jesus?

Here's one: a movie about a professional arm-wrestler, they have those, right. His special move will be cheating.

Is she right?

Doesn't mean he should brag about it during trial by combat. Anyways, the murder was an order, the rape, just an added bonus. #supportthetroops

Checkmark, Stannis. Also, did you notice how that weirwood north of the Wall made everyone a redhead.

A leader is only as good as the people working under him, and I'd take Davos and Mel over a hundred Mountains, Boltons and Bloody Mummers. Plus, picking Cersei over Tyrion is never a smart move.


Come on, there's not that much ruffage growing around the Wall.

Rock lobster?

*hands the North to House Bolton, then looks the other way as the Mountain brags about killing children, raping women and crushing their heads*

*Bangs Aaron Boyd on top of a map of Westeros*

The AVClub
We're not getting laid

That was my take on TVDW. But, yeah, your constant complaining is pretty irritating.

"He shall also receive one pig every month and two comely lasses of virtue true."

*complains about lack of drama, jerks off to homoerotic slashfic*
