
@Hongo: Obvious troll is obvious

Why do i get the feeling that this was an auto-erotic asphyxiation...

I was pleasantly surprised when i saw this in my email about getting the O.G. Humble bundle. It was a very nice gesture on their part.

"Imagine the scenario where you could only watch NBC's 3D channel if you had a Samsung TV, then had to get a separate set entirely for ABC's 3D content."

@MrGOH: Obvious troll is obvious...

@Mentuss: I believe this is the story you're looking for

@PoweredByHentai: Nintendo is notorious for region locking their games since the days of the orginial nes, where have you been?

Something similar has happened before where I live, but instead of a burger king printing Fuck You, it was a shoe store printing Dumb N$((^@ .

I had a similar drink called Joose (sp?) which was the first and last time I will ever drink anything like that again. Normally I'm a happy-go-lucky drunk, but not that time. I felt like I was in a rage the entire time and wanted to rip someone's head off if the looked at me funny. It took all my willpower to stay

@sweetelectro: Absinthe is regulated in the United States. The wormwood content must be below a certain percentage in order for the absinthe to be legal for sale inside the United States.

...or how about you don't log on accounts using an open wifi hotspot...

@deses12: Agreed, turn off sleep, and if you want your computer to go to sleep then put it to sleep (start -sleep/hibernate)

As many others have said, this is the full game. I was hoping this included the two DLCs which i never got around buying. Oh well, at least now i don't have to put the disc in to play.

@martinf1: I think they really gave some really good open-ended ideas on who the guy was. When the last time you see him and John yells "Damn You!" and the man in the top-hat replies "Most men do."

Yeah yeah yeah, soundtrack of Tron blah blah blah. Made by Daft Punk, yada yada yada. Show me more pics of Olivia Wilde!

@tetracycloide: Agreed where's the frackin NSFW tag for this

@foofad: no it won't be a free expansion and you also won't be able to play against people who have the legendary edition. I purposely didn't get this game when it was on sale on steam because of this.

For those of you who live in Nebraska, Iowa, or Kansas city Kansas area Nebraska Furniture Mart is having a special on Heavy Rain for 25.00 +tax