So I (a former Catholic) somewhat ironically work for a largeish Catholic university... possibly one where a spouse of a Supreme Court member is an alum of...
So I (a former Catholic) somewhat ironically work for a largeish Catholic university... possibly one where a spouse of a Supreme Court member is an alum of...
Catholic church is archaic and irrelevant. I’m pissed at Pope Francis for suggesting that the war in Ukraine was “provoked”. Fuck off, Francis.
According to these archaic institutions, nothing is ever their fault. It’s always the fault of those who’ve done nothing to harm anyone.
As a former Catholic, I’m starting to regard “nice, decent Catholics” the same way I do “nice, decent Republicans.”
I went to Catholic school through 8th grade. Fourth through 8th grade I went to a school in NJ whose Principal, Sister Peter, was obsessed with musicals and decorated at the hallways of the school with rainbows.
To say nothing of the people who will harass her and her family for years to come claiming she is some kind of crisis actor, a government plant, or just because she dares speak out on this at all.
Yup. Congress is going to make this poor young girl relive her trauma only for republicans to do absolutely nothing to make retraumizing her worth it. This is what it has come to. GOP adults need to hear trauma porn from kids, just to make them feel something about protecting kids in schools. It’s unjustifiable.
All I can think is how damaging it will be for Miah - piling trauma on top of trauma - when she goes up to D.C. to tell the most powerful people about the worst day of her life, and they will still do nothing about it.
“Video footage suggested he spend all of five minutes outside before entering through an unlocked and propped open door.”
They had literally just had training telling them not to do what they did and they still did it.
“Benefit of hindsight?”
I definitely saw waaay more people going after Munn than Tender.
Is it a normal thing to stay close to a sibling’s long time ex? It seems like it always happens on TV shows, but not so much in real life.
I really want to highlight what you’re covering in your last paragraph - Cisneros has a decent shot with support and funding. Cisneros is a pro-choice candidate.
Yet Clyburn and Pelosi have BOTH campaigned in support of Cuellar, with Pelosi stating that she ‘always’ supports the incumbent.
I preface as I always do by…
Wow, a pile of diarrhea this hypocritical guy is. Claims a fetus and child’s life is precious, but if you do anything to try and give it proper care that might inconvenience him, then you’re fired. Losing any health and financial support you need to raise your children. F him and I will donate to his opponent to get…
Please explain in detail how telling single women over the age of 35 that they’re leftovers is holding them accountable? Holding them accountable for...aging??
Will you pay for the whole seat, but only need the edge?
These sort of articles are always updated. Although the original date of this particular article wasn’t changed, the Milani item was just added at a later date.