And, since the GOP wants to outlaw teaching history ... stay tuned for a bunch of red states children who will ALSO “forget” the lessons of history ... because they will have never been taught them.
And, since the GOP wants to outlaw teaching history ... stay tuned for a bunch of red states children who will ALSO “forget” the lessons of history ... because they will have never been taught them.
women were too old for him.
Not that anyone wants to visualize Baby Hitler at a GOP orgy, but your sexual imagination is woefully limited. Paraplegic people can and do have active sex lives.
I was going to ask the same thing.
There’s a sad sort of “At camp one time, I touched a girl’s boob—under the shirt!”-energy to this whole thing. I feel no less contempt for the man, but simultaneously also find him quite pathetic?
Um, it is. You could definitely make the argument that it shouldn't be is. So...
Somewhere in Texas, Heidi looks on at her husband with disappointment in her eyes.
Will has been repeatedly emasculated by his wife on her show over the past year and he takes it out on Chris Rock over a very tame, some might even say a very lame joke. Will Smith is a COWARD. He would NOT have slapped a white comedian making that joke.
This. It was scary, and my first thought was about what he’s like in private if this is how this escalated in public.
Not only that, but when you defend your loved ones using violence, guess what - your loved ones are more likely to be afraid of you turning that violence towards them than feel protected by it! Never thought I’d get triggered watching the person who wrote “Miami” try to act deep at the Oscars.
It would have been an even better speech if he didn’t have to apologize for behaving like a caveman. He could have handled that situation very differently. It’s bad enough that Hollywood commonly portrays black men as impulsive and violent. Thanks to Will for making sure “art imitates life”.
Every professional production of West Side Story I’ve seen, it’s Anita’s show. I think “yes yes this is fine but why isn’t the show about Anita???”
It was a shitty joke and in very poor taste; but Will’s reaction wasn’t acceptable either. Will could have taken the mic from Chris and turned this into a teachable moment by talking about how many people suffer in silence, praised his wife for speaking publicly about her challenges and helping to de-stigmatize…
I am skeptical of anyone who starts out an apology with a laundry list of reasons why it’s not ‘really’ their fault.
Yes! Health Admin at TSU. She’s a star. (I would have just starred your comment, but that feature doesn’t work somehow)
It wasn’t mentioned in the article, but I don’t pass up a chance to say this: Megan Thee Stallion is an upstanding citizen and should probably be considered a role model for everyone. Despite a thriving (and growing) musical career, celebrity, money, etc., she still went back to school to finish a degree in a…
They look like an alternate universe version of Die Antwoord. Or maybe more of a alternate universe Bjork (the musician) and Dennis (from It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia).
Not to take away from the clearly horrible crime. But if these 2 were actors cast as either bigots and/or meth addicted white trash. I would claim the movie was abandoning all nuance.
Dennis from IASIP has really gone downhill.
And said writer is clearly ignorant of how many Ukrainians work in fashion, worldwide. Considering Kyiv is the Paris of the slavic world, it would be treachery to not say something on the catwalk. Jezebel can kindly fuck its own hole with its snide cynicism