Victoria Lucas

You STILL paid too much.

Ah, amateur night! When people who have no ability to maintain a buzz leap into day drinking like just anybody can pull it off! Even if I were the sort of person who liked to leave the house I would never do so on St Pat’s or New Year’s Eve.

Rosie’s words and actions must be so embarrassing for her son, Chris O’Donnell.

As a childless woman in my 30s, I yell “I’m the MOTHER?!” all the time, Jenna perfectly captured a real feeling there. Last time I yelled this was realizing that Amy Smart, playing the mom in Stargirl, was wearing the same Anthropologie shirt that I was wearing while watching.

They could run such a platform, but unfortunately American politics are like eating at an airport. There’s trash fast food that kills you, and a flavorless turkey wrap that isn’t what anybody actually wants.

The guy’s pretty much the last “movie star” at this point.

It’s probably more the fact those films are only getting made because he’s in them.

This stuff always makes me think of the time Jenna on 30 Rock was learning teen lines for Gossip Girl. Then she found out she was really going to be playing the dying grandmother.

Rosie O’Donnell is a piece of trash. She once called Kelly Ripa homophobic for objecting to Clay Aiken covering her mouth with his hand to shut her up, never mind that any woman would object to such treatment and that Aiken had not publicly come out yet. She also cracked a joke on The View years ago about how Danny

I think hand cuffing either of them was more than what was required. They’re teens fighting. Seperate them, get their names, and have them leave (seperately). Assuming no one is hurt, or wants to press charges.

Man I hope Spears has a true professional managing her money.  $15MM is a lot, but after tax it would be pretty easy to squander with the wrong spending habits and delusions about lifestyle.

I feel like the biggest news story here is being ignored...

There’s still a functioning mall somewhere? And kids go there?!

I don’t think too many people are finding it funny, they just have less sympathy for a mega millionaire who has more resources to help her. Of course, all the money in the world can’t always protect you.

I suspect that it’s because he’s just not a total narcissist. When you’ve been dealing with Mr. “Imma let you finish, but...”, somebody who can at least PRETEND to listen, even if he’s just daydreaming and thinks “Oh, as long as I’m ordering flowers, I should order some for Khloe too.” is a pretty big step up.

I remember the fallout from the Baldwin phone message. I was surprised at how many folks (in media) took it in stride, saying “what parent hasn’t... ?” Of course those who hate Baldwin clutched their pearls. As someone who was never exposed to that kind of language, I was just floored. 

I feel like all the people scratching their heads about Kim and Pete don’t understand what a breath of fresh air he must be after how she’s been living this whole time.

Not to mention, Pete truly seems to not care what his significant other does. If he just wants to get stoned and hang out and have fun, that’s got to be a big relief after decades of controlling narcissists.

Depends on whether you think his town needs a comedy club, or affordable places for people to live.