
I found an Australian take on Mexican corn when I was living on Melbourne. Basically it’s roasted on the cob, then dressed with a mix of paprika and kewpie mayo, then rolled in a dry mix of (more) paprika, cumin, red pepper, and finally sprinkled with Parmesan cheese.

An easy BBQ prep is to marinade it in lime juice

I am put in mind of

Clone Wars and Rebels were always cannon. Resistance will be when it comes out too.

She’s not wrong. And what if the feedback had come from Lady Gaga? How shame-y would you be?

Just do it the Australian way. Sports Books operate in competition for punters. You can do it over the phone, but most easily on your phone or computer. Different companies can buy air time during commercials and have limited sponsorship of events. The money flows from bookies to TV to sports leagues, separating the

I know! Think of that chair’s family! The Heist?

I don’t think it’s in the cards. Univision is going to shutter GMG soon anyway.

Nice fucking spoiler warning.

I dunno. After a summer abroad working in Switzerland, I brought back 80-something bars of chocolate for friends and family. When I set the bag down on the Customs counter, the agent looked at me funny and said “You’re declaring chocolate? You don’t have to declare chocolate!”

So, you win because the other team doesn’t really try, which means you really lose? Millennials are fucking stupid.

Things don’t mean anything anymore. We’re living in a truly Dory-level OCDshort term memory loss world.

Bring back the regular guy.

Skipped to the comments just for this.

Unless we go back to that week in 1955 and change history.

So.....I really like TWoM. I played it a ton and happily paid for Frostpunk. The one thing I’m worried about is that after long hours in TWoM, I was starting to become legit-depressed. I really started to feel awful, which I guess might have been the point all along.

I’m really hoping Frostpunk doesn’t leave me in the

You spelled Delos wrong.

Ninth Gate or Catch Me if You Can? I can’t remember which.

It’s like how I wish you could zoom on ANY image hosted by the Gizmodo media group. There might be a higher rez version available, but all the Giz partners use the smallest version possible and then either shrink or expand them to fit the page format. It’s awful.

I....guess? And then the match is over and the map reloads. Whatever makes reddit happy.