
Why? Just join a duo or squad and get matched.

At least she got the year right.

“Let’s have a you can go and die.”

Here’s another reason to destroy all religions. I’ll also settle for them paying back taxes and staying out of politics.

While playing games on his work computer at lunch.

Hey AP - what do you have to hide?

Already fixed to “prevent.”

The noticeable difference I see here is that this was actually REAL locker room talk. I’m fine with it. People treat other people badly all the time. David Tyree caught an incredible pass and is a piece of shit. I’m nonplussed.

Look, I get the rolling and folding and ways to get as much into your bag for your trip. However, there are two considerations. You still have to stay under 50lbs. if you want to check the bag with an airline.

Who hunts Ewoks? That’s messed up.

I’m watching people play Fortnite on Twitch live right now. 2:30pm EST.

Three all sports talk radio for a city with one team?

When this happens at my place of employment, I oftentimes really want to 1) troll everyone, or 2) lash out in rage. The grown-up part of my brain always stops me by asking if I want to get fired.

Men cheat. Women cheat. How is this any different?

But eating a shit ton of food is. You don’t even need a crayon to connect those dots.

I guess it took him a bit to understand how Twitch actually works. Followers are nice, but subs are life.

Author doesn’t like colors. Complains anyway.

My favorite SoT moment was watching GassyMexican’s stream with Captain BurkeBlack, and Crream and Cletus. C&C got behind the forward lanterns with red and blue filters and flicked the lanterns on and off while Burke chased down other ships and Gassy used his amazing voice to pull suspected law breakers over.

I thought they removed Mike Tyson because he was completely out of control and raped Desiree Washington.

You missed BarbarousKing and virtually anyone. He’s brutal even in a world of Kaizo.