
But there’ constant scoring in cricket, 300+ per side for an ODI. Even a 20/20 takes hours, but has possible scores of 200 per side.

Who cares if you’re shown online? You could be doing literally anything in any place. Is this meant to stop hurt feelings?

Easily, because diet and exercise don’t equate.

Mario Maker 2. The 3DS version is hobbled and I’m not buying a WiiU for one game. I’d consider buying a Switch if they released MM2.

It’s too bad the US doesn’t do referendums. We could make people who refuse to treat trans peeps or provide abortion services have to declare these intents ahead of time. Then the free-market economy will see them swiftly out of the healthcare field and into the food service industry, where their choices are vile, but

6,000 people a game. That’s 500 dozen. That’s 41 dozens of dozen.

Will the soundboard guy and the announcer still have to do their thing?

I was bored last week and bought SteamWorld Dig for my 3DS. I tihnk it’s time for the rest of the series. So much fun.

I’m sorry. What was the benefit of Apple music? Poweramp FTW.

You’re so right. I listen to music for the pictures too!

I dunno. LZ Granderson was full-on company man yesterday when he said that it doesn’t matter if ESPN stops giving Lonzo a platform because they aren’t the only media outlet doing it, like CNN listens to Lonzo too.

I had to get to the end of the article to find out what a she-e-o is.

You spelled derp wrong.

I came to say exactly this.

Make goals, not resolutions. Get yourself a whiteboard and write it all out.
Use SMART to achieve them.


Well, the guy is dead, so fuck you.

Nutrisystem for another 2 months for 15-20lbs loss

Get on the diet. I did Nutrisystem for 5 months this year and lost 45lbs (20% of starting BW).

Because her decoy was actually working until DJ spilled the beans.