
Um, no she didn’t. She was told to strap the kid in, as FAA regulations require EVERY passenger to be buckled up during taxi, takeoff, and landing. She fucked up, and got what she paid for (Spirit’s remarkable customer service). It’s up to the flight staff to make a judgement call, and they did. An extra few minutes

Does the book contain as much anti-feminist messaging as McTiernan added?

EVERY religion has loopholes for violence. It’s a common scapegoat and ingenuous of you to go the “not all religions” route.

the decision not to renew Scott’s contract was made by president of baseball operations Michael Hill, who was retained from the Loria administration.

Happily scrolling to the next article.

It took two of you to make this list?

Wait...current POs catch illegals, get more money to hire more POs, but then the illegals are gone.

God thing for you the world revolves around Alabama, isn’t it?

If you spot one of the Kush King’s vehicles, ask to make a donation then pick up your cannabis treat around the corner.

YouTube Fitness is a clusterfuck of self-proclaimed “qualified” people trying to monetize their brand. Get a trainer, and get feedback.

How perfectly apt for the Lions. Great players would rather retire than continue in the system.

Cheryl Miller vehemently disagrees.

Now go ahead and follow @hemelejill

I got about 2 paragraphs in.

Maybe it’s time to draw the line between reference and inside joke.

Invalid argument. You think Far Cry 2 is the best. That means you endorse cleared outpost enemies re-spawning when you walk 100 yards away. Fuck that. And fuck FC2.

What a dick move. You’re advising people to take advantage of essentially contractors that have to drum up their own business with no intent of actually employing them or contributing to their professional development.

You’re alone. So very, very alone.

Billy’s mom