
Looking good naked. It’s their one shared interest.

Meh. Is Trump humor the best you’ve got?

2006, 5 in row, now that was a massacre.

At times I remember having a little compassion for Sessions when Drumpf was shitting on him, or for Spicey in general. But now I remember that this administration mirrors a Quentin Tarantino movie: you might root for someone but you should remember that virtually everyone is a bad guy.

Visitor from io9 here - Star Wars droids can have morality. Jabba the Hut’s head droid, EV-9D9, was a major dick and had other droids tortured. Definitely evil there.

Getting mowed down by a fucktard in a Challenger wasn’t on anyone’s radar. The effects of a hurricane can be assessed via radar. See the difference?

NYC managed to evacuate for a tropical storm. It’s not impossible.

Says a person with internet access.

Point of contention: how are these people victims? There was tons of warning about the scope and severity of this storm. The loss of life, pets, vehicles, personal effects, etc. was all preventable. It’s not like Katrina where major infrastructure failed at multiple points. Legally mandated insurance should cover

That’s like, just your opinion. My Blender stays clean, and anyone who tells me to get rid of it can fuck right off.

Crisis Core needs to expand past the PSP. It was such a great story.

Sounds like it’s time for a bunch of people to just get over it. I’m thinking the only people qualified to be upset are the Wests. And fuck Kanye, he started it, if everything I read on Jezebel is true.

My original response was appropriate to the overgeneralization that people who don’t write things down don’t know what they are doing.

I do progressive weights to failure. If I get all my reps, I move on at the next workout. If I fail, I have to repeat. It’s pretty easy to remember: it’s either a 1 or a 0.

For first timers, I’d suggest sticking to machines and away from free weights. Machines lock you into form. Free weights don’t. Bad technique is the quickest way to injury.

I know my weights. Why would i need to write things down?

Madcow FTW

I’m 26lbs down and Halo Top really filled my summer ice cream needs in the last two weeks. And as I’m logging everything I eat, I can comfortably eat an entire pint and still be within my daily intake range (just like to commercials say). It’s no Cold Stone, but that’s the point.

Bring back Zero 7 Sia, the best Sia.