His monologue last night was insanely disturbing.
His monologue last night was insanely disturbing.
Well, that’s the claim. The medics could have been out helping other people. Also, there is no antidote for ecstasy ODs. Hydration and cool temperatures are the most even highly trained medical personnel can do.
13 Senators representing 10 states. That’s real leadership right there.
I’m not close to you, but I’m at work by 7:30. I carve out 45-60m 3 times a week at 10 or 10:30 for the gym. After all, I’ve already been at work 3 hours. Additionally, the 10am hour usually dead at any gym, so you have the run of the place.
Maybe update this to reflect that it was a drunken road rage incident and not an anti-Muslim hate crime.
AR needs to work on their image. Those Gulia commercials scream douchey. Even ones from a few years ago.
Don’t call him a character. He’s a person. That’s why he lost custody of his kids. Because it’s really him, not a character.
I’m glad that LBJ is consoling himself with whatever he can find.
And there’s nothing Drumpf can really do about it. The US needs the military base in Darwin.
Come on Laura. $800k divided by 204 people is just shy of $4k/person. You can’t do that math?
Normally it’s hard to see a completely black soul. Not the case here.
Um, not really. She spoke through them, then waited for them to finish the piece, then resumed talking. They did not stop for her.
My feelings on Crosby have gone from dislike to loathe. I’m not sure what he’s thinking. He’s supposed to be the face of the league. And you’d think that someone who has a fragile brain would be better about instigating actions that could result in his head getting slammed again.
Of course it did. After getting written out, Fenn was then supposed to have her own series about going to Los Angeles. It didn’t work out, but turned into Lynch’s Mulholland Drive.
Easy fix - class runners not by gender but by testosterone. You could even start ignoring the rampant doping by having them run in the highest class. It’s like when they put all the eSports cheaters on the same server.
I was at the Newseum this past weekend and there were high school-aged kids were MAGA gear. I wanted to slap the shit out of them for being absurdly stupid. A 15 year old has absolutely no frame of reference for wearing that sort of shit.
You must be a righty.
It’s going to be Al Franken. He’s generating momentum on the sly, and can destroy anyone. Plus he’s funny, which is the way to steal the votes of the “say it like it is” crowd.
Not to diminish the severity of this incident, but isn’t the city on the hook here? I remember something about faked inspection reports from news earlier this year. And if the building hadn’t been actually inspected in 30 years, that’s 30 years of the system contributing to the problem.
Samsies with the PSP. I’d love to be able to play Crisis Core one more time. Or even Patapon.