
PKS just comes off as an arrogant cock. Maybe that’s redundant. I can’t find any more apt descriptors.

2nd period. Not the 1st.

ATH and PTI should be entertaining today. Let’s see how badly these guys wallow.

It’s a vanity piece. They don’t just give you a star. You get nominated then you have to pay the $15k or so to buy the star.

It’s like you just want him to agree with everyone else’s platforms, support them with fame and money, but not let him talk about his own goals in life. This is where you start to lose people’s good graces.

The respawning was why I stopped playing. I’d take out an outpost, go just past it and get a delivery quest, turn around, and it would be full of people trying to kill me all over again.

It must have been 10 years ago - there were some computer scientists that modeled airplane boarding using different methods. You could watch overhead simulations, and they ran each method 1000 times or such. In the end, the most efficient procedure was the totally random one - anyone boarding in any seat at any time,

I never caught her. In time I accepted that it was likely a cruel joke.

I guess I overreached. I lived in Victoria and that’s what they told me. I rented and drove in Queensland and didn’t have a problem. I didn’t inquire in WA/SA/NT/NSW/TAS, so I shouldn’t say for sure. There weren’t any flags in my car insurance policy about needing to have an Australian license in other states though.

My trick was to just follow to car in front. Took my mind off of exactly where I needed to be. As others have said, the wipers and turn signals are flipped, but the pedals are the same. The gear shifts are the same too, but you’d need to shift with your left instead of your right.

Having lived in Australia for 3 year with a car and motorcycle, I can clearly state that you do not, at any time, need an international driver’s permit to drive so long as you have a valid equivalent from the US.

We can only speculate on which married man is the father.

I wouldn’t really relate Newton to the Galileo/Brahe/Kepler’s. The astronomers were observational and Newton birthed a new discipline, free of the religious interference that Galileo was hamstrung by.

Retrograde motion of the planets pre-dates physics as we know it. It’s actually just astronomy, Galileo style. (And sure you can argue that astronomy is just applied physics, but shut up.)

Oh please oh please oh please....let Trump get trampled to death by those horses. Then we can just go to war with the Equines, and we could get away with much smaller fences.

Bring some candy to your local Chinese place and ask them.

You’re blaming CBS? So if they didn’t air it, it didn’t happen? Grow up.

I non-anonymously mostly agree.

Er, no. That’s just your normal age-related baggage. Learn how to deal with it. It’s probably holding you back in real life.

Fumigated? The vermin are on the team.