
My Jordanian workmate just got through a long diatribe about how it wasn’t Assad, since he’s just crawling out of his hole and has no reason to go back into it, i.e. he’s got 95% of the country back under his control and gassing some civilians make no sense. He’s also of the mind that it’s all american-made weapons

The GOP wants to call this a win. It’s not a win if you first lose, then change the rules so you can eke out a win. It’s called cheating.

Kids are so dumb.

the World-Herald?

Banky was into it, but was relieved when Alyssa shut it down. At the end of JaSBSB, Banky and Hooper are together.

I mean, good for you since this is Jezebel, but Banky is a self-hating closet gay. All of his aggression comes from Alyssa threatening his relationship with Holden, or Holden abandoning his life-long relationship with Banky. Either way, you completely missed it or completely ignored it.

Well shit. What’s the over/under for actually missing Phil Sims

Blew the game? Come on. One possession in the context of 60 minutes of play does not blow a game. It’s the entirety of play, including missed FTs and excessive fouling and fake fouls when it’s all ball.

Alternative theory: the refs started calling the calls they should have in the 1st half, AKA stop fouling so much. It’s not an exhibition game.

Does anything good happen in Waco?

Nice professionalism. Maybe you should stick to LiveJournal.

Triphop Nelly is the best.
Nelly+Missy is a close second.

When I moved to Melbourne, one day I heard this overwhelming whine in my apartment in St Kilda. That week I later discovered Formula 1, cars that could drown out the sideshow EDM DJs.

What if Oakland just didn’t pay it? Give back the stadiums instead? It’s not like a team is going to come to Oakland without a new stadium.

I read it as more that the league has an issue with the private equity firm backing the city. Fortress isn’t going to let the NFL slide and probably has enough money to sue the NFL into the ground when they try the old “run to a different city” plan 10 years in.

Oh come on. You’re aware there’s a game that sold 2 million units in the last 2 weeks that is basically Far Cry with robots, right? No? What about your copy editor?

Make tickets link to a credit card, which must be presented with valid ID at the door for entry. Sales may be refunded until 24 hours before the start. Those tickets are for sale at the door. Problem solved. No more reselling.

Have you heard of Steam’s refund policy? Less than 2 hours of playtime within 2 weeks of purchase.

Again, you’d have to lie to yourself before writing something thoughtful.

Because you’d have to lie to yourself to trash something you’ve placed value upon vs. having no skin in the game by getting it for free.