I’ve said it before, but I loved the effort my local march (in lily-white Kansas) made to make sure that the speakers were diverse- in their race, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, abilities, class, age, and point of view. The crowd was respectful and receptive to all the different speakers, and…
“....the centering of white women in the media and amongst themselves. The notion that the need for protest has “just begun” with the election of Donald Trump, too, was deserving of critique, particularly considering A) the Black Lives Matter and Standing Rock movements of the past several years and B) the entire…
Rih deserves better.
No, your take is dumb. Hillary was always ahead in every national poll. She clearly was the preferred choice. And before you say well Donald would’ve campaigned more in NY and California, where Hillary won big, you know who else would’ve campaigned in those states if those votes mattered, Hillary.
What we do know is who actually did win the popular vote, and that was Hillary Clinton.
Actually it isn’t what the majority of Americans want. But, since we have a completely ass backwards system of electing a President that makes some votes worth more than others........well here were are.
While the content in most mainstream porn is quite frankly disgusting - that is not because of the idea of porn itself. Its because the porn industry is un unionized and porn itself is criticized for being sexual rather than receiving what should be normal media critique (on gender, race, violence, consent, treatment…
Read / view, THEN comment.
Hate to see you going off half-cocked. It was a dummy.
Elementary is great. But each adaptations of Sherlock Holmes has their own shining point. For Sherlock it’s the more developed relationship between the Holmes brothers. Usually Mycroft comes into a single scene to spout something related to the case of the movies/episode only to never be seen again. Even in Elementary…
This is totally what I was getting. There are racial undertones here that are really gross, and it has nothing to do with the Tweeter.
I voted for Hillary Clinton.
In Florida, Hillary Clinton lost by about 1.4% of the vote – but if Jill Stein’s supporters and half of Gary Johnson’s backers had voted Democratic, she would have won the state.
Similarly, in Pennsylvania, Clinton lost by about 1.1% of the vote – but if Jill Stein’s supporters and half of Gary Johnson’s backers had…
Okay, I understand, yet don’t support this argument.
If you want to reply to someone without ungreying them, I’ve seen people respond to their own comments with screenshots of the comments they want to rebut and their rebuttal.
i thought it was jesus?
This person sounds more concerned with what men lose by her being murdered and taken out of the hook up/dating/marriage pool.