I’m an off-and-on-again Paxil user due to bouts with crippling anxiety about my health, mostly rooted in a tangible physical issue (i.e. incurable congenital heart defect), but some that just pop up during periods of extensive plane travel for work.
I’m an off-and-on-again Paxil user due to bouts with crippling anxiety about my health, mostly rooted in a tangible physical issue (i.e. incurable congenital heart defect), but some that just pop up during periods of extensive plane travel for work.
I think this tweet puts it better than I did:
You’re correct, but it’s worth mentioning that the original tweet seems to be conflating the general meaning that has been around for 70+ years with the queer/BDSM community’s variant. Calling your boyfriend “daddy” during missionary sex is not appropriation of the latter.
As long as he didn’t call you mommy, you’re both okay.
Yes. “Daddy” had a sexual connotation in pop culture back as far as the Roaring 20s. There may be queer or AAVE variants on the term, but based on the initial tweet, it looks like this is another case of “appropriation” having a jump-the-shark moment.
“it is impossible to understand daddy in pop culture without understanding queer BDSM subculture. IT IS ONE VITAL BUT NOT SOLE ANALYSIS”
“And this is an internet forum, not a court of law - so i’ll be over here calling him guilty af if you don’t mind.”
“The Rock” is an actor, not an athlete.
The defining demographic for the “Bernie or Bust” crowd isn’t race or gender, but age. My niece and her friends (almost entirely Asian/Latino) are among the protesters at the convention, and have pledged to vote for Stein instead of Clinton. They’re too young to remember what happened in 2000, and that’s what scares…
Nope. You don’t draw on people who aren’t on your property. If you and this clown are examples of “responsible” gun owners, it’s no wonder we’re in the mess we are now.
You really don’t see an issue with pointing a gun at two people who are near, but not even on your property?