
The US Justice System is the worst in the world, except for all of the others.

So you would like here to do...what, then? What she needs is a time machine, to go back before her life got so fucked up that she needed to kill someone over an electronic device.

Just in time, by my calculations, to get a PS12, by whatever means she chooses...


She ended the life of another human being (over a goddamn ps4). She forfeited any rights and notion that she is ‘human’. Put her (and him, he is an accessory) down like we put down every other animal that kills a person.

You know what I mean. You’re trying to garner sympathy for a girl who shot and killed a man that she and her boyfriend tried to rob.

A $1 bullet is all she and her squeeze deserve. Murdering someone over a game console? Spare the taxpayers the expense. Apologists getting all weepy over fucking human excrement. All the crocodile tears, remorse and born again religious conversions from murderers after the fact don’t mean shit.

So we should feel bad for this piece of shit who brought a loaded gun to a craigslist deal?

The criminal in this case will have a chance to walk around free and live her life at some point. The murdered victim will never have that chance. The criminal got a lot more of a lenient sentence than the victim (40 years vs. death). Are you really confused about this?

I don’t know if this case warrants the criminal’s execution, but life in prison for murderers seems just.

The people she won’t be committing armed robbery against likely disagree. Not saying you don’t have a point about our Justice system being fucked up, but I’ll save the outrage for the many, many people who deserve it.

It’s either pay ebay fees or get shot... hard decision.

Society gains from being protected from a proven murderer.

Her victim got the death penalty and she got only 40 years, so, yes, pretty lenient in comparison.

better than being dead at 28

You knoe who envies it? The dead guy.

Q: Did the mistakes you made when you were a kid involve you shooting a person with a gun? (y/n)

If you have answered “y” for the above question, please report to a local police station and tell them about it. Your past probably SHOULD be haunting you.

(I kinda get whatcha mean though. But she fuckin' killed a guy.)

She killed a man over a video game system because he resisted when they tried to rob him.

Murder isn’t some “oh well, kids will be kids” mistake like smoking pot behind the bleachers. She made a conscious choice to take an innocent man’s life.

Wow, that is pretty lenient. She can get out at 58 (or earlier) and live free for a good amount of time, which is a lot more of a chance at life than her victim got.