
Ha, I was just going to say this is Tavarish’s next project.

I wonder if Tavarish is disappointed that this isn’t the Lambo he’s fixing up.

“No low ball offers, I know what I Half!”

The Straight Pipes are easily the most underrated autojournalists out there right now. Glad to see them starting to get the recognition they deserve.

Sorry I was busy taking a shit, not giving one.

Always the right answer

The cool thing about VWs is that they are equally unreliable no matter what country they come from. They are very consistent in their inability to source a functional water pump.

Well, Volvo didn’t just fire their CEO, so you may be on to something.

Yes, because that’s what a full size, luxury sedan calls for.

Best Decision I’ve made. Selling my Prius for an ‘86 240 Yellow Submarine

If you’re a true Jalop, you always have wanted an Old Volvo.

::Gets made but is China exclusive::

All International Roaming options allow you to bypass China Firewall. As the traffic is routed through your native country’s servers. For example, a person using on International roaming to US with a Chinese network provider has the firewall enabled even when in the US.

What gen bud? The mid 2000's or the new ones? I have 117,000 on my 12 Passat SEL XYZ ABC V12 without a problem. So yes they’re pretty reliable as long as you know how to please a woman.

Yet streetcars can carry more people than buses and produce less pollution than buses especially if the overhead wires are powered by renewable energy. The US government, GM, big oil etc. royally screwed this country over by dismantling our transit and promoting suburban sprawl.

I am not suggesting we replace democracy with a system of government that makes decisions based on physical combat but I’m also not not suggesting that at this point in our history.

Now playing

Tesla: “Autopilot is not a self-driving technology, it’s your fault if you die”

Yeah, I thought it was a Cayman at first, which is at least defensible. A Boxster cannot carry much of anything.

“Mr.Huang was well aware that Autopilot was ...not reliable in that exact location.”

The answer is the Mazda5