
You pulled the euro Passat side profile. The us/China Passat is even more strikingly similar

Needed awd, but I was looking at those too

Good. As for you other bloodsuckers, hit me up in 5-10 years if you want an E350 Sport 4Matic wagon in good condition with low miles.

Except me. I was the idiot that bought a wagon new.

Wait, so should I be for gun control then?

That's the only config for MRs, the super-fast shifting sst transmission.

I would argue the other way. How about a posted minimum speed limit? I see those in asia and Europe all the time.

That is an excellent story. This is also why riding a road bike downhill at 50mph feels really dangerous.

I won’t doubt that physics and the less room for error + everyday distractions lead to more deaths than needed, even as cars have become safer. You can’t beat physics.

If you ever get a chance, one of the most interesting places in the world to visit.

SK Soldier. I have a photo of my wife and I standing on both sides of one of these guys with our shit-faced grins.

They block that door to prevent defectors from running into NK. Though there has been a SK soldier or two that have been yanked from there.

Pictured: Inmature cars

16 days transit times from China to Western Europe is huge vs. 4-5 weeks on slow boat; and that is even before dealing with pirates, the malacca straits, Middle East etc

In a funny way, you also listed all the apac countries that have somewhat uneasy relations with China too. Though the Lee family (Singapore) always seems ready to get down on their knees on moments notice for China.

Well, I put 2 road bikes in my car sometimes (E Wagon), and the common sedan won’t do it. Typeically it’s the seatback opening that’s the limiting factor. I would be so much all over a C63 wagon or an S4 wagon, etc.

True, but the M3 and C63 isn’t exactly big enough to carry strollers and other stuff during a Costco run.

Looks like the Hoehn dealership chain owners?

It's useful in 20% grades in the rain. (Good in hilly cities)