
@kungfutoday: No shit it's humbling. Trees can tear any car apart at even 30-40 mph.

ESP can't overcome physics or the lack of better judgment; judgment that was impaired with alcohol.

@MrJohannVegas: This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!

@FriendlyFloyd: Those white devils! All part of your evil plan. I bet you that's what my wife and her family were planning all along.

This being a chinese built car in China, with a chinese phone it'll fall apart after the phone explodes. Afterwards, all the buildings in the background will collapse in a dusty cloud of melanine.

@rj-pilot: Most counties/ large police departments have frame straightening machines!

@rad_mike: you know those guys wear like 30-50 lbs of bulk bulletproof vests at all times, right?

I'm gonna be a contrarian and say that Toyotas are typically great engines attached to bad cars. Lotus has a good thing going with the Toyota engines....probably reliable as hell too.

@Triborough: You mean, pre C-NCAP days? china got so embarassed with these early-dat cars that they created and enforced a Chinese NCAP test in like the span of 1 year. Pretty impressive.


@evil2win: A parking lot in Truckee at night.

Of course crashes don't go up after 9 PM, there's barely any stop-and-go at that time; let alone cars.

@gnarlycharlie4u: Trust me. Nothing happens in front of you on the road for that 30 seconds you spend looking down at your phone to text.

@CJinSD: Thank God that cell phone ownership rushed into save us from the travesty of lower road deaths!

@jpech: Some sneetches can be particularly stubborn

Now playing

Someone at VW should be fired for letting Peter Schreyer slip through their fingers.

Honda will be laughing its ass off when all the hordes of people wanting to buying Hyundai velosters are demanding a hybrid engine in it.