
Sadly, this is the type of stupid crap we’ll see people focus on instead of real, crucial issues. Republicans will be literally driving dump trucks over top of people and into Fort Knox to load up gold and meanwhile, we’ll be bickering about nonsense like this. The left sorely lacks the ability to focus and look at

When it came to vaccinations, Philly Fighting COVID wanted to approach the rollout with “innovation” in mind.

I prefer the Roxanne Gay view: these are not the feminists you’re looking for.

Are we the same person?

I the toilets at three different family members' homes. 

Sophomore year of college, I was living in this total dirty hippie house. Eight or nine people would be living there at a time, and people kinda rotated in and out, but we all had our own rooms (small rooms in a big place) and we all paid rent.

What exactly is she hoping to get out of suing the pilot’s estate? I feel like it’s in poor taste, when you presumably have an enormous fortune, to sue the (presumably significantly less well-off) family of the deceased, not when you’re already suing the employers of the pilot. 

People are just creepy about her.

People are just creepy about her. The last time we visited, my MIL was foaming at the mouth with Meghan Markle conspiracy theories. And she’s not alone, by any stretch! It is seriously off-putting how invested so many people are in thinking the worst of her.

Women attack her relentlessly because she’s a bigoted, racist, anti-feminist, anti-American, anti-journalism partisan hack who shouldn’t have ever held the position of WH press secretary. As you said, she can go fuck herself.

I’m sick of her throwing “being a mom” out there like it’s a job qualification.

This probably makes me sound like a horrible feminist, but I really don’t give a flying fart that you had kids and also worked, considering you have enough money to pay for good childcare and health insurance without having to worry about paying your rent.  I’m sick of her throwing “being a mom” out there like it’s a

And I find that very startling from a group of people that claim to be the champions of women empowerment.

America is fucking broken. We can’t even afford to feed our children, but all the Republicans are concerned with is making abortion illegal and spending billions on a worthless wall.

I’m over Dany and her claims to the throne. Her reaction when Sansa was all like, “Yeah but the North doesn’t want to be part of the Seven Kingdoms anymore...” drove me nuts. You can still sit on that Iron Throne bitch, but it just might be 6 kingdoms instead of 7 you rule. She conquered Essos on sheer arrogance and

I normally don’t shame people for their looks, especially related to aging, but William is literally one of the most privileged people on the planet so whatever.

OMG stop citing sexism as the reason for his precedence! Jon is first in line because he’s Rhaegar’s kid, not because he’s a boy! Jon is Prince William, and Dany’s Prince Edward.

I feel like all he has to say “The claim of the Windors are a sham and we should all recognize the Jacobite line as the true claimants to the throne.”

This is one of the reasons why we are a Third World Banana Republic.
