
I think it would. To try to make it fit into today’s films, it would either have to be told as a flashback to the time the original was set, change the male lead to being bi or something. One of the issue that might let it slide by as was originally done was that when was when Rose was “Richie”, there was nothing

No Color of Night? It might not be a great movie, but there is a LOT of nudity & sex. 

The fact you need to pay to play as Bridget (or any other character) is the only tragedy in this story.

Now I am left wondering if they built in a “super” for/if an opponent tries to grab Kimberly by her braids. I know what happens in real life when that happens & 99.999% of the time it’s a “I made a bad life choice” moment.

I just wish some indie publisher would come up with a roller derby manager game or a game based on modern roller derby (both flat & banked as game options).

12,000 complaints to the FCC? Hell, we must get 12,000 calls a year at home ourselves. Some days we get only 4 or 5, other days it rings non-stop. Most of them using a spoofed from somewhere in S.E. Asia (betting on India as it’s overseas call center central).

I am in the process of returning a Hisense UG7 55" due to an audio lag issue that even the latest firmware couldn’t fix. Too bad as aside from having to turn the cable box off every time you change the channel to resync the audio, it was a nice looking TV. No lie. I really thought it was going to be here for a long

I am in the process of returning a Hisense UG7 55" due to an audio lag issue that even the latest firmware couldn’t

Oh, believe me, I could command a whole pirate fleet at this point. I even have a modern E.I.C. “tattoo” (C&D email from Sony back in the PS1 pirating days). But even then, there are just some times keeping a weather eye out doesn’t help (not on a streaming site or torrent), so an old school tape, LD, DVD, etc is

And this is why people will still want physical copies of things instead of going all digital for their entertainment.

I went by my local Gamestop Saturday and half the place looked like it was on clearance including a ton of their Atrix merch. I asked if they were closing the location but no, that wasn’t it. Seems all their ordering when stuff was hard to get finally showed up right as their newer stuff was also coming in. So

Maybe but they could have learned from the 7 debacle and when commissioning music for subsequent series, just paid a little extra for worldwide use in perpetuity.

Actually, that’s pretty big news considering how they used to say it would cost more to license the music for that one series than all the other music in all the other series released in a year. I wonder if everyone finally realized they could squeeze a few more bucks out of it or what. 

“Wait, you’re telling me we could have sold the game & the collector items separately and got paid twice? Damn it!!!!” - Vic Ireland

Oh yea....I get to buy all these again:

Macross II - only got on VHS. Watch it once & go “Well, that was a thing” and forget it.

Macross Plus: This is the gem of the four. Got it on VHS (series & movie) and same for the DVD release. Amazing soundtrack by Yoko Kanno, most expensive OVA made at the time, some of the

I have the same feeling. Too bad they didn’t publish this article on Friday.

Don’t you mean “less than an inch THICK”? It is still kind of wide but it’s a slim fella now.

Reminds me of a Moebius sci-fi comic from Heavy Metal. Music fits that feel perfectly, so make me down for a copy.

How I wish Epic would either make a new UT or turn the project over to a non-profit team to make a new game. I used to be a tad good at it and while there are still some active servers for the older games, an updated UT (or 2k4) would be most welcome.

How I wish Epic would either make a new UT or turn the project over to a non-profit team to make a new game. I used to be a tad good at it and while there are still some active servers for the older games, an updated UT (or 2k4) would be most welcome.

A rental Hyundai Elantra. I got one a few years ago for a trip to the Florida Keys. Everything was great about the car but those damn seats. Every time I got out of the car after driving for a bit, I would walk like I was 90 years old for a few minutes. I tried adjusting them but nothing helped. Thank goodness it