
“Flip three times.... on the roof if you want me....”

Oh, you mean “soft power”, like how Texas science books say evolution isn’t science but a theory and equal to creationism. But because Texas buys so many books, text book makers generally have to follow what Texas decides because it cheaper than making two version of the same book, no matter how fucking stupid the

Maybe he injured it doing too much wood working.

If only he and Joey Ryan could have a match....

I took it as more “Fork you...fork all of you!”

Wrong version of the Speed Racer theme song & missing “White Lines” makes this not werth our time.

I missed it but I blame that more on being a lapsed comic buyer than anything.

Are there booze or drugs on this island or just old computers & games as this matters to the answer....(Island could be abandoned for “reasons” and no one will come near it due to them)

Actual roller derby coverage: where is it at or will it ever be done on here? Just don’t want to beat & flail a dead horse if it won’t....

Never & yet there have been two WNBA articles in the last two days on Deadspin.

I saw that and thought about how those poor kids just keep having the worst luck possible.

Well, I wasn’t trying to “win” but thanks? If it makes you feel any better, I have been playing the beta of MTG:Arena. After years of avoiding the game like the plague, it actually got me having fun with it again. Also, it doesn’t cost anything to play, so that helps too.

Now, this statement I can agree with. Maybe not on Deadspin but Kotaku and....wait a minute, they just had a MTG article Sunday and doing a search over there uncovered more than a few articles in the last few months. Deadspin and derby....not so much. Last thing on GMG was the derby #MeToo article and previous to that

One is a physical activity and the other is sitting on your ass holding cardboard* and I don’t count rage quitting as making it a sport.

Not to be stupid (and I tried Googling it) but what exactly is “shot equivalents”? I have never heard that term in my life as a sports fan.

I just bet you’re a blast to hang out with. But, since I decided to reply, I mean the actual sport with real rules, real governing bodies, over 1,000+ leagues, had a Women’s World Cup in February of this year with over 37 countries participating (and a Men’s a couple of months later with the Juniors on Mon & Tuesday

The upcoming entry was supposed to be out sooner, but Evangelion creator Hideaki Anno got busy with his live-action Godzilla movie—something for which he apologized.

Still better that NFL refs trying to figure out a “catch”.

Annnnnd this is coming from a site on a media group that won’t give one of the biggest growing sports for women a decent in-depth article if you bought them lock, stock & barrel. Maybe once in a while cover roller derby playoffs, champs or a world cup? Now back to watching the Junior Roller Derby Champs.....

What I don’t get is how she can defend Trump after the shot he said about her dad? My dad, like Sen McCain, is sick and nearing the end. Looking back I don’t think he (my dad) was a great man but a good one who made some mistakes. But if someone said the crap about him like Trump said about her dad, that person would