
Damn, Aquaria is looking rough since winning Drag Race.

That would give a new meaning to "hand job".

Two places I go still use styrofoam. One is Daily’s gas stations for their drinks and the other is a local restaurant chain some of their to go food orders. I could live with the gas place switching to paper for the cups but I kinda want the food place to keep theirs. I know that there are alternatives but when greasy

Starred but only in the hopes it draws attention to the fact the way the headline was written is a bit problematic.

That isn’t what I meant in general. As an industry, the movie biz should cast appropriate people for the right roles. It was just for this one instance, that I thought it would be interesting (and a big FU) if somehow a counter-movie was funded and produced to show how it could/would/should be done using a trans lead

Foreign investors have been doing it for a while & depending on where you shoot it, some state and local governments will give you tax credits for doing so there. Why do you think so much is shot in Georgia for example? Plus, I am sure some smart attorney could spread the investment loss over several years because we

I would be fine with that. I was just presenting the options if someone wanted to go head to head against it was all.

I thought lonely pepperoni was the explanation for 90% of their players.

ScarJo won’t let this go as we all know when actors have a “passion project”, they would rather see it fail with them in it than pass it on to someone else. However, the person this is based on was a public figure and the events public record. People have made moves at the same time about a person/event, so why not do

Terrible news...England....where is the Dacia tie-in to this?

Sadly, all this probably tanked any chance of this happening again next year. I watched the show and for a new ring, it was creaky as hell. As far as the matches, the two guys in the article (who shouldn’t have been book at all if anyone had done the slightest background check) put on what you would assume for a

I wouldn’t recommend they do it just because they would be permanently stuck with a case of TERF toe.

I wonder was it a worse day than when he found out they changed the name of the team from the Suns to the Jumbo Shrimp as that was a pretty awful day.

Seems like an appropriate name for a car in a place where everything wants to kill you.

I know D.C. has legalized recreational marijuana & Donald acts like he is on something 24/7 but I didn’t know he actually smoked. Wouldn’t explain his behavior though if he did. 

Thank you, James May.

I guess despite his contract being so cheap, the Lakers didn’t want “Disco Boogie” in the rotation.

Anything that gets me a SEAT at the table of new-ish car ownership would do me fine.

(Still keeping the Focus though)

Damn, I guess when they say “Everything in Australia wants to kill you”, they mean the internet service too.

This deserves far more stars.