
I hate stick families but one of the best one I saw was this dad as Vader, mom as Padme crying & Obi-Wan running off carrying two kids. Happen to go into the same Target parking lot as them & yep, it was a mom, dad & twins getting out of the vehicle.

Well, we know who the Stig isn’t now.

Not sure where you are going with all that but I tried it ......and it didn’t work. All his friends when there (it was their hangout), so I relented. Kept air freshener on hand though!

I ran a comic shop that held card games & one of the kids that came in there was just horrible. Nice kid but anywhere he went or anything it touched just reeked. One of his friend’s moms wouldn’t even let him in their house, just on the screened in patio. After he left, she would hose down the furniture to try & get

I know Asia and Mnet killed it during “Breastworld” but I thought their outfits were the weakest of the runway. Monet’s was funny as a gag outfit but not what I would say the challenge was. Kinda the same with Asia’s outfit....except even more low rent. Aquaria likewise was great in the acting challenge as the server

You do? Then thanks for killing the Fiesta, Fusion, Taurus & Focus*, dimwit!

*OK, either the Fusion or Taurus could go but not both & I mean the Focus as is, not your silly Subaru Crosstrek fighter, the Focus Active. Bad bad ideas.

(That said, does Ford have a program for rehabbing customer cars back to factory? I have

If only someone at Fresh market had gone up the backside of this head during that rant with a tray....IJS.

I think Fox has 783 million reasons to show that you’re wrong.

They don’t need a bill for that. They have been doing fine with huge drinks & gaudy beads for years.

I thought that was Roller Derby going down the street (esp men’s roller derby).

Bartolo’s stomach to him every morning:

I don’t think it will be that bad. But it will fall into the “guilty pleasure” category.

All fairly valid points BUT this falls into the “why own it if you can’t enjoy it” category. It isn’t like it is a sealed box version where opening it would bring down the value. Plus, the X68000 had a lot of fun games and with the MIDI unit did LED strobing to games before it was a thing (see Cotton for example).

You own an x68000 game but not the machine to run it on?

I was fairly certain it would sell out, just not THAT fast. They even remarked on BTE that one of the secondary ticket sites was listing front row tickets for $1100 a piece, which they weren’t real happy about but by then it’s too late to do anything about. So far the people they have scheduled should put on a good

More like COTY (or should be at over 1100+ stars and the day isn’t over yet).

Yep. A little drink, some snacks and I am all set to see this one.

Ahhh, Dracula. Where my date punched me so hard my glasses ended up 3 rows behind us. Good times.

Not on the list but if when you get your boarding pass, if you see “SSS” on it, you are getting the really special treatment (pulled aside, swabbed, searched, etc) before you can board. So be prepared & be really nice to the TSA folks so you can get thru it as quickly & painlessly as possible.