Damn Chance, there is a difference in “don’t have to be a Democrat” and “voicing support for a xenophobic racist dumbass”.
Damn Chance, there is a difference in “don’t have to be a Democrat” and “voicing support for a xenophobic racist dumbass”.
Andrew Kreisberg wasn’t in the running for this?
Well, looks like I’ll be keeping my ccurrent Focus forever and if/when I need a 2nd car, it won’t be a Ford.
Why does everyone always have to mention Elle Fanning’s bust?
Sticky grenades were the one redeeming thing in Daikatana (Yes, I am that old). You could load up a window, doorway, etc then leave it and just wait for the poor sucker who thinks he’s going to sneak in somewhere to go boom. Since I don’t play Fortnight (GPU can’t handle it), do these only stick to players or can they…
I just don’t get our fascination with buying SUV’s. Big, impractical, not great on gas, etc. But yet, people can’t get enough of them. I hope Ford doesn’t axe all those models. Keep the Fusion, as that is your fleet sales car (esp police departments) and either the Focus or Fiesta (just make the next model one that is…
Or Ash’s daughter could take the reigns. She did her dad pretty well in the last episode, so who knows...
Sony is taking a gamble here but a pretty good one. Families can go and the kids can see one movie and the parents the other, people can do a fairly old fashioned “double feature” night or is SW Ep IX is sold out & you didn’t get advanced tickets then just see Jumanji 2 knowing you’ll have a good time at it. Or one…
I want to know if LSFYL will have to be done in the form of a question.
I really like the show & I liked Crawford’s take on the character. But if he’s a pain in the ass to the other cast & the crew, recast him OR have him die at the end of Season 2 and make Bowman his partner where it turns out his “bumbling idiot” act was just that and he’s an even worst loose cannon than Riggs ever was.…
Not bad but Bora was my #1 reason for loving Sistar (and their songs were a close 2nd). However, Hyolyn just seemed kinda extra to the group. Not saying I don’t hope she has a successful solo career. I just won’t be rushing to by any of her work upon release.
Now everyone can live out their “Dead or Alive” musical dreams.
Just because it can come up esp with dealing with the Chinese film market (where obviously, they want this to play), backers of films can exclude someone for various reasons esp ethnic or political ones. So maybe they didn’t want to push things with “the party” by giving an Uyghur actor an international platform due…
I tried and I couldn’t find it but there was a blurb a while back (like a few years) where a celeb got home, there was a pap there, the star had way too much stuff to get in by themselves, so the guy pitched in and gave them a hand with a few items including a rug if I recall. (think it was Jennifer Aniston who was…
Was Taylor’s “suitor” going to take her shopping, then to a light lunch at maybe Cheese Haus, some golfing and then perhaps an opera like “Die Fledermaus” that night, as I might have an idea who the guy is....
I didn’t ever remember it until I saw your question. Then I went “Oh, that was that CGI thing with Angelina Jolie and...and...that English guy....” & looked it up on Google (Jude Law). I forgot Gwyneth Paltrow was in it or anything else about it. All I know about it now is from the Wikipedia article.
It was good but she still got clocked by Michelle and at least one other judge for not making the waist tighter on her runway outfit (and I kind of agree with it). It was better than most of her other looks but this season especially it’s the little things they are going to be picky about. But I am still amazed at how…