
It is if you ask yo.......nah, I can’t in good conscience finish that one. That’s like inviting a 10 yr old to a MLB stadium, giving them the tour, asking them if they would like to try pitching to a real big league player and then going yard on their first pitch instead of play acting they struck you out or

But I saw on her tour info she was stripping in Boise this weekend, so save those dollars up....

During that walk around at the dealer the other week, $35,000 was average but I was seeing $40,000 and higher (much higher) for them. Mustangs are for 3 groups: 18-25 yr olds, older guys trying to recapture their youth & the convertible if you are at the beach or female (and before people jump on me for that, if you

That’s why they have a luxury brand. You remember it, right?

I so hate you! I make the “now they can Focus...” joke on the news of them dropping a lot of cars & didn’t get shit. You reverse it and get more stars than Dave Meltzer gives out during a wrestling PPV.
(I starred it too)

Jim Farley, Ford’s head of global markets, is targeting a higher margin sales in hopes of achieving more profitability. Basically—it’s not going to be a car for the Regular Joe, but Ford is hoping that its improvements will encourage people with money to spend it.

And why can’t pitchers be used as a DH or a position on their non-pitching days again?

I feel for these players, coaches and families. As someone involved in youth sports, this is one of my biggest fears & when possible am glad people travel in small groups and not all together. Just hope the doctors are able to help those that survived to recover as best they can. Will donate if some kind of fund is

I respectfully disagree. This story is tragic AF and I came to comment on it and just seeing that gif made me chuckle and forget the awfulness of this incident for a few moments. Sometimes humor, even dark, can be helpful. 

The U.S. has bases all over the world in other countries, so why the fuck not? Be a heck of a lot cheaper than building a new one & moving after all. Just treat it like an embassy: everything on that side of the fence is your “new” country & everything on this side is the U.S.

Not sure if I want to be “YES!” or “NO!” on this news. But, it made me remember April 8th is “Rex Manning Day”, which I also have a derby bout. So, guess what’s playing all the way to the venue? The whole damn movie!

Nah, that Jez article on Don Jr today killed that.

I can just see next week’s WWE Mixed Match Challenge: Conor McGregor & Charlotte vs Ronda Rousey & Finn Balor.

via TMZ Update:

As soon as I saw this after derby practice, I was like “anyone got $140?”. Now that I see what is included in the stretch goals, I should have asked for $280. I wouldn’t have gotten either, but damn those figures look amazing. Just hope it looks that good once it comes out.

Cool info. Of course, now everyone knows you live in Japan, so expect a few ‘Hey, can you get me....” requests.

Annnnnd the night before is ROH “Supercard of Honor” with:

No more Fiesta? Good, now they can Focus on what’s important.

Well, not to keep a long thread going, but look at the upcoming cards for NJPW on their website and there is one REALLY interesting 10 man tag match related to all that BTE stuff (I won’t ruin it for you). How it actually goes down will be fun to watch. As far as heels, Yes, they need them but even Suzuki-gun isn’t a

Now, I thought the judges from Drag Race weren’t allowed to participate in the comments due to “pro vs amateur” rules.