Yeah, that just means I'll have to up the percentage of TV I don't watch to something above 99.
Yeah, that just means I'll have to up the percentage of TV I don't watch to something above 99.
"Fake Geek Girl." That was what it was called.
"woman who adores football, poker…"
"I initially thought it was an actual projection error."
"for fans of its celebrated source material, will that be enough?"
I agree with you. The 'profound' episodes just aren't very good (or profound).
If you enjoy "postmodern literature," and you think that Jonathan Franzen is an example of it, that might explain why you don't like DeLillo.
Doncha know only five or six people apply to the Iowa Writers' Workshop each year? If you're capable of reading without moving your lips, you're in. Then you publish a novel and appear on the cover of Time magazine. 2 or 3 seasons from now Hannah will be a tenured professor at NYU. That's how easy it is to do…
"Women Now Empowered by Everything a Woman Does"
"I'm not like that in real life!"
I always assumed the "outline" was a cocktail napkin with the words "Another Dune novel—sugar instead of spice?" scrawled on it.
Check out this, re the unneccessariness of Ep. I: http://static.nomachetejugg…
It is unnecessary. In the "Machete Order" (New Hope, Empire, Attack of the Clones, Sith, then Jedi) you don't watch The Phantom Menace at all. You treat it like a 2-hour deleted scene—after someone watches the 'main sequence,' you can be like, "Oh, by the way, if you really want to watch some more, there's also this…
Their names got them in the door and mine kept me out of the door.
Especially if virtually every piece of information about future stories is "embargoed." If you're not allowed to discuss specifics, then you can't really tell us anything meaningful about the show, other than, "it's good," "it's bad," "it's all right," etc.
If it's not funny anymore, that must mean it's *even better* than it was when it was funny, right? If there's one thing I learned from Louie's Afghanistan, Daddy's Girlfriend, Miami, and New Year's Eve episodes, it's that when a comedian stops being funny, he automatically becomes profound.
"Does any of this really happen? I don’t mean within the reality of Louie […] I mean within the reality of the episode itself. "
I think they should make this movie with 1980 technology, so that it looks and feels exactly like the original trilogy. All models, no CGI. Lucas should have done the same for the prequels, so that regardless of the failures of story and characterization, at the very least there wouldn't be such a huge, obvious…
I can't wait until the first prolonged close-up on the face of a chubby man morosely staring at a television. It'll be super-profound and really illuminate the human condition.
This doesn't hold a candle to the upcoming release of "Space Cop." He comes from the future. Of SPAAAAAACE!