
Similar childhood story. I get a bit of ribbing as an adult for not hugging people hello that I haven't seen for ages (though that's also compounded by being confused when they're European as to whether it'll be a hug, one, two, or three kisses). I'm slowly getting better at hugging at my own pace.

My extended family are mouth kissers (it's their tradition). It was terrifying as a young girl to know that there was going to be a queue of them every time we visited, often relatively I barely knew and some I was a little afraid of. "Go kiss your aunties and uncles hello" was a phrase I hated.

The ethnicity of my dad's family means that the enforced interaction was kissing on the lips. For lots of people. In a visit to them (maybe once every few months) this could happen up to 20 times to say hello and leave at the end. As the eldest child I often had to lead the way including kissing people I'd barely met

I am a straight woman, but my god Geena Davis is gorgeous. (And of course a wonderful and vocal feminist).

That's pretty unusual for NZ: most have been taught something and were more won't cook and clean rather than can't. (Admittedly, I struggled with washing machines at uni since my family had an old fashioned wringer machine so that my mum could use water from the roof!). I really hope said town wasn't my hometown

I was an RA at my uni, and we deliberately had monthly flat inspections to keep the all boy (and generally more grimy) flats in line: once a month was enough to make a difference and for flats to actually try to do (those that weren't up to par then got one more try before potentially getting a cleaner in).

Make it about OKC/Match more traditional dating sites and you're all good.

Can I say as someone raised on British TV, the name of the new cast member born in the 90s reminds me of another very similarly named person from a bit of a time ago...

No. It's the equivalent of working in a building that has a passcode and ID card entry system, assuming you're safe to leave your laptop at your office, and then finding that someone managed to break in and steal all your stuff since you were never told that the fire exit could be opened from the outside.

You can change the settings but the point is that you have to go out of your way to find out about them (and most people won't).

Yep. I was in my first year of uni when one student in my class were diagnosed as having TB. Healthy and everything. We all had to get tested just in case. (Given that first year students are more liable to get things like mono anyway and we were a design dept so were around each other in a small room five days a

But given how there are still female celebs saying they aren't feminists since they love men (thank goodness Taylor Swift has been hanging around Lorde and Lena Dunham and has changed her stance), she's covering a 101 that's still fairly misunderstood

This like saying that you should never visit a place where there are pickpockets or own anything of value in your house where there's the remote chance of being robbed. What they're doing isn't illegal, and they have every expectation of privacy (as some people have mentioned, some of the pictures had been deleted

I upgraded to iOS8. After waiting for ages I ripped through the setup settings so I could play with the new syste. In my haste, I went for the default Apple option of using my Apple password as my passcode password as they just said, "you can set another password, it can be the same as your Apple acct". Only

Apparently there are two types of workers: the slow and steadys and the last minute people. It actually affects how you taken in knowledge and deal with stress (the last minute people are actually just letting the information percolate and can make it form together at the end). The people who fail at the last minutes

Umm, as much as everyone's going on about MStew SHE WENT TO JAIL FOR FRAUD. No wonder she's not into Lean In, she was all about take take take.

One year over Christmas break many years ago, our toilet clogged up. My dad (who is the one in the family with fastidious hygiene) was away visiting his family, so my mum opted to wait until people were back at work before we got a plumber so as to avoid horrible fees. That was 10 days. 10 days of having to go to the

I'm not the biggest fan of Iggy Azalea but no one deserves an unknown sex tape being leaked. (Or even a known one).

NZ is waaay ahead of you on this one (did back in April)

Yeah, WTF?