
And another thing…Gloria WAS WITH THEM so when would she have had time to cut a hole in the fence??? Makes NO SENSE that they would blame her for the release of the guards. Why she didn't speak up and point this out I don't know. Frustrating!

Fourthed. Immediately after watching an episode I come hear to get the nuances and subtleties and details/explanations I missed in the eppie. For instance I DID NOT KNOW Pennsatucky was at the GUARDS' quarters in the woods!!! How were we supposed to know that??? I thought she had gone home, lol. Now it makes sense. I

Right. And how interesting that she's all buttoned up in that sweater when she goes to see Caleb, per Annalise's instructions. No cleavage, no nothing. Hilarious. Later on, though, when she goes to get some she's a bit more bared.

And just what was that painting all about???

For some reason I thought she had her first orgasm with "Eggs911" right??? I thought some reference was made to that fact a couple of weeks ago.

Regina King was also good in SOUTHLAND, a L.A. cop drama on TNT, and AMERICAN CRIME which aired on network tv last year. She's a terrific actress!

I don't think it's gonna be in a future show…to have a scenario where they are all together like that, same positions, same lighting would be anti-climactic. It would have been more dramatic during this episode. They blew it.

YES!YES!YES!YES!!! Talk about a bait and switch!! I thought maybe I'd MISHEARD the previews and maybe she said "garbage" instead of "fired" but NO!!! I was pissed off too!!! How dare them…it cheapens the show. They should be ashamed of themselves. Why do that??? AAARGGGHHH!!! And why didn't the recapper note this

Wait! "Hapstalls"? Was Caleb killed too????

Whoa. Annalise DOES know that Bonnie killed Rebecca, remember she confronted Bonnie?

Oh, my God, candyoh, I busted my gut LMAO when she said "I made you a peach cobbler." Nobody else thought it was funny, but I was just cracking UP!! I will have to use that line in the future! When someone tells me so-and-so died I'll say, "let me make a peach cobbler…" SICK!!

I agree! I never believed her and I think you hit the nail on the head: her acting was not believable. She was playing Annalise.

Huh? Did I miss something in that scene? Why would Laurie shit on Patti's husband?

What does "Rick Roll'd us" mean?

Not to mention he didn't hug Effie, the location manager or the stunt guy. All black. I thought from the beginning he had problems with a) blacks; b) black women and c) black women in power