
Meteor wishing, my new favorite superhero power.

I wish this were an induction stove. The future needs more magnets.

Ah! Three Inches reminds me of a slight tweaked version of this....

@blyan: I would like to direct your attention to an article on i09 previewing the movie lineup this fall season

@Milton Cantellay: Are you suggesting that Lego minifigures have an ethnicity?

My single complaint about this episode? They un-hovered the Eiffel Tower.

@FrankN.Stein: Pandas are such awful parents. The more you know!

@darkmoonfirelyte: Even with my Amazon Prime account I'd always prefer to see the stuff in person!


I already have a Civ board game, it's called Through the Ages.

I saw a dragon, samurais and girls with guns.

@Infernorhythm: I'm not sure I agree, but mostly because while I adored Routh's Superman I personally felt that his take on Clark Kent was uninspired. That's not to say he did a poor job but it certainly didn't compare to the Supermen I grew up with.

Annalee... I've been trolled.

Annalee... I've been trolled.

@33rd°: I had a boss named Gunner Maelstrom.

@AngriestGeek: Back when Equilibrium came out I called that Christian Bale would be Batman.