
@SpiritThief: I would like to mention that it's been, and will probably be, noted that people all think SC2 is very much like SC1 but nobody has suggested that that's a bad thing.

@Evdor: I like how you said "but chill" after nearly three paragraphs of expounding on just how ridiculously wrong Mr. Luke Plunkett was.

@Greyhole: I think it actually was mentioned somewhere, not here, that Korra is the next Avatar which gives a reason to bring Aang back as her spiritly mentor like Roku in the original show.

With Christopher Nolan's producer credit on Superman and excitingly beneficial working relationship with Goyer, I think it's possible to see a JLA movie involving Superman and Wonder Woman. Well I suppose it would start as a crossover and then escalate into a full blown JLA movie.

@Dickson Halim: Oh I'm not one for reasonable prices. Beautiful toys should always cost ludicrous amounts of money so that I may never be able to afford them!

Who's producing these figures? It's been much too long since I've thrown excessive amounts of money on action figures.

@Shini: R.O.A.C.H.: No... I don't think so. Honestly when it comes to ifying things up, I prefer the zombie treatment.

Hahaha! Batman punches a Predator! Sandy Collora's Batman/Superman movie trailer was fun tooooo.

Dana Scully, Dana Scully, Dana Scully! I suppose I'll have to read up on my 30 days of Night... and rewatch all of the X-Files, including movies 1 and 2.

I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I...

Resident Evil: Afterlife! Returning 3D to it's proper gimmicky roots. Knives and rubble and people flying out of the screen!

@RizzRustbolt: Actually it was Jeff Garlin as the voice of the stuffed unicorn in Toy Story 3.

@Arken: I'm a bit more concerned about the overabundance of complaints leading toward forced categorizations of race.

@MacAttack: Nope. Greedo never shot back.

@CodenameV: Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you, but you seem to be suggesting that I'm arguing in favor of Aang being portrayed by a white person.

@kagekiri: "The philosophy and ideas of Avatar are distinctly Asian, despite your claims otherwise." My claims are otherwise entirely because as you said it is a "fictionalized Asia."