
The grown man capable of making (terrible) decisions, shattered his own soul.

I think they're just terrible at handling 23 episodes. Even everyone's beloved s2 dragged in the middle and went nowhere for at least 4 episodes. Post winter break episodes are terrible on this show.

They have the weirdest way of doing things. First 9-10 episodes are usually great. And then from 13-18 just meander and really have nothing to do with the plot. And then they cram everything in 21,22,23. They need to sort that out.

I hope Thea finally gets her spa day. The girl has earned it.

I can usually overlook Oliver's stupidity because he's always looking to sacrifice himself for the good of his city/everyone. He's not the best but he tries. Barry can't do anything without someone holding his hand and when someone isn't he makes the most selfish decisions. "I'm going to reset the timeline because I'm

Barry truly is the worst hero.

No the decline coincided with prioritizing Malcolm Merlyn, a terrible League of Assassins plot and the need for misery porn in every episode of s3.

I think you need an entire bottle of salt.

No you didn't, because there hasn't been a peep about Donna becoming a regular.

Well at least you're self aware and duly admit that your mental gymnastics have no logic to them.

I would come along for Thea's solo adventure ( if it were a thing) but only if I get to see her kill Malcolm slowly and painfully within the first 5 minutes of said show's existence.

They had 2 paths to go down. The one that they chose and the other one where Oliver could have told Felicity and we would get to hear her talk about how hard it was growing up without a father and he should rethink this. And thus we get good character development for them. Instead we get Barry talking about that (what

Having Oliver willingly lie to Felicity when a simple, "Hey here's the situation, let's keep it on the d/l ok. Ok cool." would fix everything was so dumb. 7 episodes of great character development for Oliver was tossed out for cheap drama.