
Hypocrites. The obvious problem is overpopulation and the obvious solution is ending it. Yet Greta and her army aren’t doing anything to promote it. The dramatic thing would be to stage a mass suicide to set an example for the young ones, but at the least they could support some kind of birth control initiative,

For a minute I thought Gabe had been promoted to Jalopnik, but I quickly realized he just failed to stay in his lane.

If you want to have a country that’s gonna win, then you should be supporting it, not antagonizing it.  Dude definitely doesn’t have the respect of the country but I suppose he’d rather get a fat Nike commercial contract rather than show respect.

That all being said, I agree with you on if you’re not ten minutes early you’re late. I did ten years in the military so I actually feel most of your post minus the whiny parts. People (looking at you whatever millennials means these days) don’t have respect for others.  I show up for movies thirty minutes early to

All I’m saying is, unlike people who went into the military or most people who went to prison, you had the opportunity of a free college degree. Hopefully you used it for something useful like a law or medical degree. In that case you could use your education to fix problems for the poor professional athletes exiting

How exactly are people racist for not believing you were a former NFL player?  They couldn’t believe a black dude could possibly play in the NFL?  You come off as a soft bitch.  Everyone has issues with changing jobs, that doesn’t equate to coming out of prison and you don’t have the experience to equate it to that or

Man, I’m not trying to dump on government workers but they are definitely more well compensated than your average hard working American. I appreciate their efforts and wish them no ill, will but cops and postal workers and public works workers are 1%ers compared to retail workers and non union blue collar people.

*I say I don’t get it but I get it, it’s human nature.  I just mean we’re valuing current human lives over future human lives even though it should be equal.  I think we’ll just march slowly to doom or move onto the next planet to suck up the resources.

I don’t get why population reduction isn’t even in the conversation with this issue or all the other ones we face. As a country the obvious first step is to stop immigration, not just the illegal kind, but shut the door. That’s not going to help the planet though, we need either a huge, truly world wide war, or start

Counter point:  It is not fun and I’ve seen tons of shade thrown at people who dance “too white”.

But then you see the drama that Reid immediately brought to his team and you realize why it’s not worth it. I agree on the output of the collusion trial. I think it’s acceptable to not sign someone who will immediately cause strife in the workplace but if there is proof that the owners expicity colluded to exclude him

As opposed to Reid and Kaepernick... who did nothing but form a coalition and disrespect the flag and collect a big check from Nike and Carolina for their pockets. At least Malcom gathered some money for “the cause” of ending “whatever the fuck”.

RIght? Kaepernick is such a fucking douche.  But you’ve got to give him credit, it worked out for him in the end.  He made more off of that than he would’ve made as a back up.  Wise business decision whether you like it or not.

I guess we now see why Bell was overvaluing himself. Do we really think he could have done 6 times the job that a replacement player did in game one? If anything the franchise tag is still overpaying him because it averages out other overpaid RBs. We’re talking about a guy that can’t stay healthy, can’t stay out of

You forgot to mention race in your headline. Black man cut by white coach! or Black man replaced by corpse of inferior race WR! or Black man cut by Silver and Black team!  Or Black man has drug problem!

Minnesota had the Williams Wall.  Now New Orleans has the Williams Expressway.

It was super long and good reading but I honestly skimmed it.  What was the part where it proved that it was supposed to be set up to fail.

Shout out to NOFX.

Still, there’s something really depressing about a player as talented and thrilling as Bell being unable to find long-term security in the NFL.

If any NFL player was going to have an existential crisis while still in his 20s, it makes sense that it’s the one who’s only ever played for the Redskins and Vikings.