vic fedorov

Next up on Shark Tank is Bob from St Louis with his innovative device that locks up free agents until they can officially sign....

In story with @ramonashelburne we also report Mavs now fear they won’t now get audience with Jordan as Clips have essentially surrounded him.

Pacquiao is also evil!

I reeeeaaallly don't know enough about the mechanics of the triangle to follow specificity anyway (and the NYT isn't the venue for Zach Lowe-ish breakdowns of offensive sets), but I would be concerned that Jackson doesn't seem to be offering specifics on adapting the principles of the triangle to the modern game.

Note the language I chose in my post—-he copped to having sex with his accuser but claimed it was consensual. That makes him a philanderer. The arguably part comes from whether you believe there was dirty business involved in getting the charges dropped in Eagle County.