Vicente L Ruiz

Actors who already have Star Wars names:

Here’s a thought. Captain America now has some connections he can pull in Wakanda. What’s stopping him from getting another shield made?

THIS. I’ve already heard people complaining. As a huge Ditko fan I got so ridiculously happy when I saw it.

That tiny logo and tear-drop eyes are wonderfully Ditko.

Oh, is that what that was? I thought Tony said “On the roof!” which seemed like a weird way to signal a surprise attack.

Doesn’t Maz say that it’s Luke’s light saber and say that she’ll explain how she got it at another time? Or does she tell that to someone else? Suffice it to say that it did not strike me at the time as some kind of feminist victory. Maz barely registers as female, which is why the made sure to toss that “boyfriend”

I don’t believe they talk about Luke, but rather about the Force.