
"Train of Fire"

2008 film, not 2014.

lol. Thanks, but not so young. But agreed that awareness on both sides is the only way to defang this beast.

Straight white dude here. For me, this is the best show on TV right now. I watch it as soon as it shows up at midnight every Wednesday morning. Never read the book, so coming at this purely from a TV watcher perspective. At first I was groaning at their talk of making this a multi-season show, thinking that a

This needs to be its own subreddit

Hmm.. I'd have to think that in spite of this show becoming the top show in the world that the HBO people are still nervous about how much viewers will tolerate or get. With that in mind, I think any show they do has to have all the same Houses in place, or at least the big five. They will be counting on the fact

I'm going to place my bet on 30 years old. They've worked way too hard to convince us he's a little kid, constantly verbally referring to what they think his age is. That's classic red herring stuff, especially for a show like this that likes to pull the rug out on us. There's a reason we've never heard him speak.

Still think Jasper is going to turn out to be an adult. I don't think it's a coincidence he looks like Gary Coleman, and continues to gravitate towards more adult vices (porn, cigarettes).

I love how the audience stayed so quiet. I wonder when audience participation/advice became a thing?

Bozo's Choice.

The Duplass Bros have so many projects on their plates at all times, they probably won't even notice they've been cancelled. Steve Zissis is in one of Will Ferrell's next movies, so even he will be okay. Probably.

It's been 30+ years since I actually read Dune, but I still remember it being one of the best novels I'd ever read. I remember being meh on the second book, but really liking the third. It took everything I had to read God Emperor of Dune, and I have no memories of what happened in that book. Didn't read the

It's perfectly valid to not want kids. Not talking about it as a IRL lifestyle choice. But as a storytelling choice, and looking at it from the POV of say, Lou, and what I think the POV of the show is: Is that it's 'greedy' to want more than having people in your life who care about you and vice-versa. Everything

While Peggy's screed and Lou's dismissal came perilously close to seeming like a rebuttal against feminism, I think it's more basic than that even. Lou's speech here about how important family is, combined with his story to Mike about GREED, and wanting more than you need, ties it all together nicely. What I think

This article was an excellent bit of trolling. Sweet and sincere enough to feel authentic, but the sheer volume of clearly pinheaded observations proves that this article is clearly designed to provoke outrage among every stripe of fan.

THANK you. Whoever told Roiland his improv nonsense was hilarious needs to be shot. It was really annoying the first time, and now it reminds me of skits like the Californians on SNL that the cast inexplicably thinks is funny and keeps trotting it out. It doesn't help that my first interview experience with

It's definitely terrible. I hated the first episode. Came back for week two, hoping it was just a slow starter to the season and hated the second episode only marginally less. The potential "didn't-expect-that" death at the end of the episode, and by the creepy bird-mask guy, made me perk up in interest and come

So… What you're saying is that Pilcher should have frozen the Cleveland Browns?

I think the Lenny/Of Mice and Men connection is entirely deliberate. In that story, as in this one, "Lenny" was completely incapable of functioning in the world. In spite of the fact that they probably never meant to, both "Lennys" ended up always hurting things, even things or people they really liked. And in

Interestingly, Netflix is pretty much responsible for the brothers Duplass even still being a thing. Netflix was the company that signed The Puffy Chair for distribution when all other companies had passed. I only heard about the Puffy Chair because of the news stories at the time and subsequently gave it a try and