
There is clearly a known effective measure. It’s right in the article above. Kill them for their fur.

Check Traction Control before Cars and Coffee

“See you later savages.”


I question the accuracy of a book that shows a 5 speed Ghia, other than that seems like a nice piece. I’m partial to the Muir Idiot book, I read to my 2 year old from it every night.

FT-4X makes a sick kind of heratige sense too, since the Land Cruiser people all remember is an FJ-40. I think its a lame name, but at least it makes some sense. plus it leaves the door tantalizingly open for various wheelbase options (FT-43/45). The 70 series is getting a complete hugely expensive overhaul to meet

Hey dude, this is not the time to make Hip jokes. Especially not considering we’re also responsible for Nickelback.

What I’m trying to say is, let us suffer in peace, Canada, and kindly fuck off.

Yup. I’ll jack the vehicle from outside the crush zone, set up the jack stand(s), then pump the jack back up to snug it against the jacking spot to act as another stand, just in case.

I have a very hard time getting under my car even with Jack stands. Terrifies me. My Element wasn’t as frightening as I didn’t have images of crushed skull if it somehow fell off the stands floating through my head but my track car.... “shiver”. I need a full lift for Christmas and a bigger garage to go around it.

Ditto. I always use jack stands and chocks. Then after they are set? I go around the car and give each jack a firm shake to make sure it’s solid, give the car a firm push at the roof line, and that each chock is firmly under each wheel. Then after that, I go around the car and give each jack a firm shake, the roof a

Jeez man, hope he heals up soon. I hate getting under my car, even with jack stands and floor jack in place, it terrifies the shit out of me. I still do it.

Step One: Contact your attorney and make sure he’s ready for the lawsuits when the crash investigation team reveals the real cause of your accident...

how about we not promote potentially very dangerous, and incredibly unnecessary “tips?”

How to start a car with a rope:

Rope is helpful because if my Audi breaks down I can just hang myself.


Hmmmm.... This reminds me of something. I just don’t.... Have I seen that somewhere before? Does it look like..... If only I could remember!

This really isn’t funny anymore on any level, just irresponsible and stupid.

What about the parents... they’re not guiltless!

Just take your smartphone, put the video you want to share on the screen, and try to throw the phone up into a cloud.