
You’ve gotten some mileage out of that rockin’ Dasher, haven’t you?

Now playing

Okay so you gloss over the absolute coolest part of this truck, and the thing that makes it much better than the merc, Arctic trucks or other 6x6...that really amazing suspension setup with triple output T-case.


I know, I was a little impressed by his committal to maintaining decent form as he swam away.

“Like what do we do”.... you should have let evolution run its course.....

I like how the windsheild wipers were still going in that last shot of it completely submerged.

I love how the guy puts his foot on the brakes and attempts to back up at 0:22.

The wipers, they do nothing!

I agree. This is far less convincing than, say, 5 minutes on VWVortex.

And yet Triumph isn’t even on the list. Slanderous click-bait!

I'd leave it there.

This is the car I tear up the Streeps with!

God i love my fucking type 3. My brother and I split it; currently his turn w/ it. We don’t have a roof rack yet, but really want to get one.

The Insurance Institute For Highway Safety says nearly half of all fatal crashes in the U.S. occur during half of the day. The other half of fatal crashes occur in the other half of the day.

What is that?

For the love of god, please do not use the Dorco Blades if you do this.

For the love of god, please do not use the Dorco Blades if you do this.

A short tongue trailer that’s too low to see over your tailgate is the worst.

This. Big trailers aren’t near as hard as the little ones. It’s all a matter of practice; most of us don’t tow enough to build up that experience with them.

This is a pretty nice feature, but I’ll be that guy and say that a big assed trailer like that isn’t too hard to back up. I’d be excited to have it for a little trailer though. Those things are squirrely.