
Except they use less words..

omg I broke my wheel!

That EA114 looks like they might pull air from the vents above the front wheel wells too..

Did you win?

Is there anything Bombardier doesn’t build?

8v mkii jetta was great at this- short shift kit and kamei golf ball were optional but very cool.

Taught myself after getting bored driving my gf’s auto, good for rally, also good for offroad..

Heaterchannels for days..

Should’ve bought sliders instead of running boards and chromies..

What he said;

lol, my first thought as well - “You spelled Toyota wrong; it doesn’t start with Wrangl...”

A friend of mine converts his bike every fall;

Makes geocaching seem pretty lame doesn’t it..

Now playing

Watch Airmapps other vids too.. there are some awesome helicopter rescues;

Looks like it, the back windows and tails give it away;

a real Canadian Jalop;

and it will come out just after GT#whatevertheyareuptonow..

Every car company should make their own in-house geodatabase of road networks.. Then each municipality/electoral area should update them every time there is a new road, road change or attribute edit.. Then every utility company should have their own as well -and they should all be the same.